Large Scale Central

1 Inch Scale and other "Ride Ons"

Finger Lakes Live Steamers has Number 1 Gauge tracks, the stuff most of us run on, 1 inch scale and 7.25 scale tracks on their property in Marengo, Ny. Does anyone know a list or site listing other clubs or organizations with 1 inch, 7.25 inch and 7.5 inch ride on sites? Found a few, but nothing that is organized.

The topic had me intrigued !

Ric and others who might have an interest,

OK so where are the pictures of the OP session?

Gary, thanks for the reference, that is exactly what I was looking for.

Chuck, I think there were some on facebook, I don’t do facebook, but the wife does. I know there were some in the FLLS newsletter, might have to be a member to see their newsletter or maybe it in on there website. Who knows?


There is another club, much like the Finger Lakes, but not as great an organization; just this side of Montreal, called: “The Montreal Live steamers”. They are at Coteau Sur la Lac, Quebec, and have a web page. They are about 2 hour’s drive from us, or about 1 1/2 hours from Prescott, along highway 401. I doubt that they have become as progressive as the Finger Lakes gang. Finger lakes as you know, are actively moving towards a bit of operation in all their scales, and allow “Associate Members” ($30) operate the two club locomotives. I don’t think the Montreal group has that opportunity. It seems you need a locomotive to get really involved…although, I’m not up-to-date on their activities.


Okay Chuck and others, don’t know how much on Ops, but some on the 1 inch ride on and a lot of shots of the trackage. Enjoy!


You could try : when you visit Bob.

Thanks Ric. That’s a nice video. Now where is that RS-3 from?

Chuck, Its currently owned by Roger Ciazza and is painted in New York Central colors. Manufacturer, builder or prior ownership is unknown to me. I think he bought it from someone that was or is a club member.

Sean, some of the FLLS members mentioned that club and we may try to find some time and info to visit. After TrainOps, we are going to try to be tourists for awhile.

May I suggest taking a Duck Tour in Boston.

Go to :

Fridge magnetic whiteboard says …“Kick Ric in the ass”

Ya’ Know didn’t Marty go to ride on stuff after Ric’s last visit??

Edit : wonder if this could possibly be Ric or a stunt double?

This is ALL Rics fault !


Someone PLEASE explain to me why if you have the space and resources to do this:

Why wouldn’t you do this?:

The space is about the same, you could use the similar track, the costs probably the same, but you’re doing 1:1 railroading

I’ve never gotten the appeal of ride-on when Feldbahn is out there (

and yes, I know I’m odd (

Vic Smith said:
Someone PLEASE explain to me why if you have the space and resources to do this:

I wonder how much government regulation, i.e. control, one gets in to with the full size equipment.

<and yes, I know I’m odd (>

AND yes you are. Just kiddin’! :slight_smile:

From ONE of those odd ride-on types in 1/8th scale. :slight_smile:

I would think the cost would be more for the larger stuff. And being that the railroad’s equipment is “captive” I am not sure how much regulation would be involved. The live steamers would probably be subject to the boiler inspection regulations, if they were full sized, and probably the equipment would have to have knuckle (automatic) couplers, but thats just an assumption on my part.

Why would there be any regulation, its a hobby? You’re not operating it as a business or for any profit or outside of your own property and as long as you don’t sell any tickets.

I figure for all the energy needed to build ride-on you could easily build a similar estate railway for use on your property no differently than using a quadbike for yard word or hauling things. You could even repurpose alot of 1" or 1-1/2" scale items like track, couplers, wheels, etc…

Something oh like this:

or THIS:

wouldn’t be that much more effort than any similar size 1" or 1-1/2" scale ride on gas or steam engine, same for the cars.

and yes I know I am quite mad (

Vic, I believe that steam tractors need some kind of boiler inspections too. Its the Government, it doesn’t (have to ) make sense.