Large Scale Central

1/29th Scale GP60 and GP40 Wheel Profile Size

Hi can anyone please tell me what wheel profile the 1/29th scale AML GP60 and the Bachman GP40 have?

Are they scale?
Close to scale?
Are they the correct 40” diameter?
Can they be replaced if needed?
Could they be turned to a more scale profile if needed?

I apologise for asking all these questions, but I live in Australia and finding 1/29th scale models here to inspect is impossible.

Thanks Daryl

The wheels on the GP60 are 34.1mm (38.9") and flanges are 39.1mm. They are made of an unspecified metal but could probably be turned to reduce/reshape the flange.

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Something not exactly right there…?

OK, You got me Cliff. It’s 38.9331 inches or 38 & 15/16 inches in 1:29 scale. lol


Here’s exactly what they look like on the stock models so you can put eyes on them and see how they might compare to the prototype off hand.

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Ask away, Daryl! Don’t be concerned about too many questions or of what sort. You’ve got a few compatriots who are active (and VERY appreciated) here, and they, well, one especially, sure isn’t bashful! :grin:

As you’ll hear: just keep posting. And sometimes you’ll also hear, “If there’s no photos, it didn’t happen.” :laughing:


Thanks Cliff.

Greatly appreciated. Large scale, and in particular indoor prototype scale 1/29th in Australia is as rare as rocking horse poop over here.

Even finding a small range of 1/29th models to look at is not possible. There was a great store in Sydney, but covid wiped him out.

You guys are my info source now and I have a lot more questions to come as I’m changing up scales from O to 1/29th.


Welcome to the crazy world of Large Scale. While USA Trains strives to be close, you’ll find that none of the factory releases are to proto quality and are generic in many details. A far different world than the smaller scales.

I don’t do main-line modeling, but many here do an you’ll see some fine super detailing work done by some of them.

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I know of 2 guys who do 1:29 in Australia. Paul Carr in Brisbane and Peter Robin in Rockhampton. Have you had any contact with them?

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Interesting that the AML wheels have almost no fillet? ( Can’t think of the right word) between the flange and the tread. It’s almost a 90° straight up and down. Looks very LG ish in that way where as the USAT seems to have a more gradual transition.

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Can you take a caliper to the GP40 wheels? They look smaller to me. Also, That RDG GP40 is Aristo-Craft not Bachmann. I’m not certain they are exactly the same (wheel-wise).

Yup, this GP40 is Aristo. I know the light package and pc board are different between this one and my friends bachmann GP40, but they are completely identical otherwise in tooling from what I can tell. oddly, I never did think to compare the motor blocks! Now I’m wondering.

Hi Dan

No I’ve not heard of them.


Here is Paul’s YT channel.

Hi Dan

Thanks for the link mate. Paul has one excellent layout.

I’d love to visit it one day.


Paul is also on Facebook and posts on a lot of the G scale pages there

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Whats a compatriot and can a rooster be one? Even if he isn’t a compatriot he might want to act like one if it’s the cool thing to do these days.

And Peter Robin is on FB as well. In fact he started his own group recently called G Scale World