Randy Lehrian Jr. said:
Craig Townsend said:
For now it’s just a big experiment that may get pushed aside for one reason… If my little boy gets his own Playmobile train, it wouldn’t be able to run on P:29 track, but it would on Gauge 1. (http://www.largescalecentral.com/externals/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-undecided.gif)
Yeah those little buggers derail a lot of the best laid plans, but they’re worth it. Just think of it as your track work getting much easier.
Or just convince the CFO/Wife/Mother that Dad and the kids need two garden railroads… (http://www.largescalecentral.com/externals/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-tongue-out.gif)(http://www.largescalecentral.com/externals/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-foot-in-mouth.gif)I’ve already got her convinced that we need at least 2 acres of land for a layout in the future…