Large Scale Central

2016 Miks, Vic Smith, A Delicate Balance

Obligatory sketch, this will end up on one of my smaller pizza’s

800 sq feet of roofing on an out house, damn that’s a huge out house. And Dennis will be proud of that cliff hanger.

You might want to look at that 12 holer I posted for Doug…


This will be a much smaller project than last year, I simply don’t have anything on the boards regarding either the pizza or the garage layout, which is currently blocked off with junk, so this year I will focus on additions to the smaller 24 inch pizza I did a few years ago.

The project will go in the rear and replace the solid resin one currently there.

The size may be small but I think I can make up for it with details.

I have decided to help you. The problems are using 800 sq feet of roofing on an out house when your horizontally challenged. John’s idea of a 12 holer solves the size issue but not the horizontal space issue. The logical solution therefore is a twelve story out house. You will need a bigger rock pile though.

Lets see… would that be a 48 holer? Or may be 24 for the hers and 24 for the his…

12 stories high… Anybody know the terminal velocity of poop?

Now Vic, That is funny. Looking forward to seeing that build.(

Let’s see: allowing 10’ for each of the 12 stories, that’s 120 feet of height. But the poop from the top story only drops from, say two feet from the floor; the eight feet from there to the roof don’t count, so we subtract eight feet, leaving a total poopdrop of 112 feet.

Now, the accelleration due to gravity, as any rocket scientist will tell you, is 33 feet per second per second, commonly read as 33 ft/sec squared.

By my rough calculation this means that poop which begins its journey 112 feet above the ground will impact terra firma at a rate of 74 ft/sec.

Note that this calculation makes no allowance for a) any excavation that may exist beneath the hole on the first floor, or b) interruptions to the orderly descent of the poop caused by the presence of individuals occupying any intermediate hole or holes.

The heretofore calculated speed of 74 ft/sec works out to 71.4 sec/mi.

The final result in miles per hour? 46.

You’re quite welcome.

But John that velocity calculation is based on the substance falling being in a vacuum correct? Its that feather falls as fast as a bowling ball constant. But outside of a vacuum one must factor in resistance to falling due to a substances weight relative to its surface area and the friction between that surface area and air. So the shape and consistency and density of said poop will effect that rate of fall.

Also one must take into consideration if there was any initial thrust involved. :slight_smile:

I’m not even going to get the issue of fiber content

Ah, minor point, its 32 feet per second squared, or more accurately 32.174 feet per second squared. Devon, you are right, air resistance would need to be calculated in, because some poop is more aerodynamically shaped, then others.

And this would be the velocity of the poop when it exits the floor of the structure. How high is the structure from the valley floor? And then there is another question; What is the splatter factor for various poops exiting the structure?

We have turned poor Vic’s build thread on its ear. I was trying to be helpful…he he he yeah right.

Devon if you turn it on its ear and your ear gets hit, don’t expect me to help clean it out

Great idea! Check with some of your RV owning friends for the prototypical dimensions of the poop pyramid that forms under the toilet in many RV’s used by large families (

Yup more than once I’ve had to find a suitable stick to get rid of said pyramid because some people were too stingy with the flushing water.

Oh, and that brings up another question; What is the angle of repose of poop?

i remember from my childhood, when we visited my grandparents.

a multi-floor outhouse is a tecnically complex thingy.

at each floor there is (was) either a pipe or some boards, installed with an inclination, to steer the bombs into an open shaft, that runs vertically through all floors.

so that the poop inicially looses velocity from friction.

the house had five floors, and from the first floor seat down to the sewage channel it was about three yards. the storeys being about four yards in height each.

when i, being an innocent child, and not knowing the habits of the tenants in that house once used the sanitary installation, i was rewarded by loud shouting of the janitor in his 1st floor, who was being hit at the behind by the backsplash of my leavings. (it was his habitual time to read the newspaper just where he would recicle it afterwards.)

deducting from this happening, my poo traveled about one yard on the inclination, then another 17 yards in free fall. this gave it a sufficient speed, to produce a backsplash of thre yards.

so about a sixth of the length of the way down (at least) has to be considered as a bio hazard zone.

so for Vic’s construction i would recommend to plan, that the lowest opening schould be one foot above the landing pad for every five foot, the highest seat is above the lowest.

gentlemen, this thread really gave me sh*tty ideas. i apologize.

OK I’m ready for Thursday, got my panels in the mail, got my sketches all ready, ready to commence the ceremonial cutting beginning Thursday night.

No racing around on this one, I went a little manic last year so this will be a much more r e l a x e d build this year, anyone got a magazine? Need to site down and think about this.