Large Scale Central

Large Scale Central join dates

Thrifty would be the word I use Shawn…(

That’s how he can afford live steam! (

According to Ghostery, that other “site” has 15 different trackers on it’s home page. (tracking users.) Ad block blocked 18 ads on the home page as well.

Ric Golding stated:
“…I’m always amazed as to how much knowledge and talent, on a large variety of subjects, read the posts on this Forum…”
And Shawn Viggiano stated:
“…I wish most would switch to the live steam site here and make it more active…”

I am new to Large Scale Central here having moved on from MLS principally because of their lost variety of subjects participation that has narrowed to mostly live steam. If they lose that, what’s left? I suppose it would be their site’s “mechanics” problem postings that seems to be second to live steam!


Ha! I have lived to see the day Rooster accuses me of stirring the pot! I think you may have outdone yourself! LMAO!

When is the last time I beat up on Aristo, and more importantly WHO CARES?

The only recent comment I can think of is an allusion to how Navin was treated at the shutdown of Crest. Now that is a crime.


" Rooster " said:

Greg Elmassian said:

Come on back to chat David, and try it again, I’m trying it again, BUT I want to talk TRAINS… and learn or share stuff about TRAINS.


Yes …but you also like to stir up the pot. Especially when the Aristo horse has been beaten dead,skinned,deboned and thrown into the kettle many times. The vultures really have nothing left to pick at these days. I’m not really even an Aristo fan but respected the company for what they were.


It’s all good though!

Larreeeeeeeee (trying to make saying his name last 5 seconds).

Greg Elmassian said:

Ha! I have lived to see the day Rooster accuses me of stirring the pot! I think you may have outdone yourself! LMAO!

When is the last time I beat up on Aristo, and more importantly WHO CARES?

The only recent comment I can think of is an allusion to how Navin was treated at the shutdown of Crest. Now that is a crime.


" Rooster " said:

Greg Elmassian said:

Come on back to chat David, and try it again, I’m trying it again, BUT I want to talk TRAINS… and learn or share stuff about TRAINS.


Yes …but you also like to stir up the pot. Especially when the Aristo horse has been beaten dead,skinned,deboned and thrown into the kettle many times. The vultures really have nothing left to pick at these days. I’m not really even an Aristo fan but respected the company for what they were.


It’s all good though!

I care. Aristo made good stuff. I have their track. I met the man and he was honest with me. Maybe I should start a website and dedicate a page publicly attacking someone???

Greg Elmassian said:

Ha! I have lived to see the day Rooster accuses me of stirring the pot! I think you may have outdone yourself! LMAO!

When is the last time I beat up on Aristo, and more importantly WHO CARES?

The only recent comment I can think of is an allusion to how Navin was treated at the shutdown of Crest. Now that is a crime.

Who’s Navin?

Joe Paonessa said:

I care. Aristo made good stuff. I have their track. I met the man and he was honest with me. Maybe I should start a website and dedicate a page publicly attacking someone???

You met Mr. Polk?


Lewis Polk bold face lied to loyal customers for over a year before he pulled the plug on Aristo Craft. Navin bold face lied for him for the last 6 months that I know of, cuz I was the one getting lied to. I don’t care who is paying Navin’s check, I will not buy from him/them.

Joe, maybe you feel he was honest, but I wouldn’t trust either of them any further than I could throw them. I went with AirWire, and am glad I did.

It is unfortunate for the rest of the hobby that Scott didn’t make it, but I believe that was a forgone conclusion before he started. Lewis set it up that way by screwing the PRC, making it impossible for Scott to do honest business. He paid the price for Lewis’ actions.

This is my opinion and it will not change.

Oh I thought you were lied to about the size of his caboose too!

Nope…he is ALL CABOOSE!!

Bob, you are dead right. Lewis was a good salesperson, but what he said and what he did were different.

He did not help Scott at all, and Kader took out their issues that they had with Lewis on him and GenerationNext. I thought that was pretty crappy.

Navin was a faithful employee, whose ability to be completely honest was hampered by Lewis, I have a lot of firsthand experience, I cannot blame Navin.

So, while many of you may have met Lewis and he was nice to you, if you talk to any of the people in the industry who ACTUALLY dealt with him, you would get some different views.

I have a lot of documentation on this, as Lewis threatened me with legal action because of my opinions… and I told him to bring it on… but this is old news… I and others have seen both sides.

If you go back in time, Lewis used to quote me and use me as a reference for technical matters. I was in the development of the Revolution. But the instant I said something about a product that was not complimentary, the wind shifted 180 degrees.

All of this is there on the forums for anyone to see. Enough this talk, don’t come at me about Aristo, unless you know the ENTIRE story. Do some homework.


Well, when I spoke to Louis in person, he told me the truth. It wasn’t the answer I wanted, but I respect the fact that he told me the truth. As for his public misrepresentations and lies, what do you expect? I know of no business owner who is going to stand up in front of the world and say “Oh yes. My company will be out of business in 6 months.” No, they want to put on a good game face, and try and make a few more dollars before the walls come crashing in.

As for Navin and Scott. I had my hopes that Scott could make it, and my doubts that he could. And Navin, I only spoke to him once or twice and… He gives me an odd feeling.

The fact that the designer of Crest electronics wanted Navin by his side for the new company should mean something.

I’ve dealt with Navin for a long time… you gotta understand he was basically at risk for speaking his mind for a long time.

Come on chat some time and I’ll recount the great “motor block” episode… you may laugh your butt off, but it’s a sad story of ignoring reality.


Long before the AristoCraft Train Engineer ever saw the light of day Lewis Polk showed my original RCS Titan R/C at a Nuremberg Toy Fair.

At the end of the Toy Fair I collected my sample and was told barefacedly that if I did not accept his offer to make it for me, he would put me out of business. I declined to take his offer and a couple of years later the Train Engineer arrived to much Hoo ha.

All I can say is I am still in business and he is not.

My Mother always told me that if you cannot say something nice about someone, say nothing. I am saying nothing!!!

Dam it. I know nothing about nothing other than I like Aristo cars and want more.

Tony, I never heard that story from you. I have no reason not to believe you.

As far as the other history, we all had to hear about it. There’s no substance to study. We had to hear about it and we always will.

I have dealt with Lewis Polk as much as a regular customer can and should. Anyone may notice, what brand I prefer. Ooops, I’m not allowed to mention that without attack?

I have files stored away on a previous computer of some attacks towards me. I look over them whenever I need a laugh. Even though they were magically erased to help someone here look better.

Devon Sinsley said:

Dam it. I know nothing about nothing other than I like Aristo cars and want more.


FYI, RLD Hobbies has many Aristo items for sale (used, apparently in good condition).


I like the Aristo boxcars, and some other Aristo rolling stock. I just with their powered units didn’t have some of their “features”.

Everyone has their viewpoints, and many folks can back up why they have their viewpoint. We can hash it over and over again forever if we want to. Me, I would prefer to move on, and hope that Kader does bring back the best of the Aristo line. And maybe, just maybe, improves the other stuff and brings that back too. Even if they only do short “available for a limited time only” runs.