Large Scale Central

Jail for Durango

Korm Kormsen said:

Jim Rowson said:

Broke out the good camera at dusk to get a picture of where I expect to put the jail…

letting the last posts go ping-ponging between my two brain cells, i decided to nitpick:

the dark, wet chewin tobacco is relative new. spits would have about the tobacco brown of cigarette tobacco.

sofisticated posts conflict with the raw looking building.

but after seeing this pic, i must say, that more realistic spit stains possibly would be invisible.

and the posts give it more “personality”.

well done!

(close-up pics…)

Korm has a point, after a second thought and considering I never chewed, I researched!

That should cover it!

If you’d like tell me and I’ll delete for postal count…

The Stain of the West!

I have to tease because you are building neat structures… it’s like you are cheating or something, because I can’t get motivated to complete my trestle or other bridge…see?

Now John, don’t you dare delete your post. Your posts are always entertaining, inspiring, or informative (sometimes all 3). Thanks for the “neat structures” comment: much appreciated.

“Freshly Spat”! Yuck!


It being Father’s day, I wanted to do something fun, so I decided to try to create a bird (possibly the first of a few) to be perched on top of the Jail, leading to guano :slight_smile:

With the tools I have at hand, the best I could think of was to carve one from redwood and create legs from bits of metal I have laying around.

So far i’m not impressed with my abilities here. Here’s the raw redwood bird, created form a 1" x 1/2" by 1/4" piece of redwood by first carefully cutting off some of it using my bandsaw, then using my dremel grinder attachment to round it, followed by a bit of filing with small files. It is meh but might be ok for giving the impression there is a bird there:

That is a bit of a biggish bird!

Then I tried to create a leg using some 23 gauge pins from my pin nailer. More meh:

The soldering isn’t really working there. Possibly due to coating on the pins. So a fail on that front.

I had previously tried to search the web for birds to buy, but the only ones I could find were for fancy doll houses and cost about $6.50 per highly colorful bird. And I wasn’t so sure they would hold up outside.

Has anybody done any 3D printed birds? Or know where to buy some? Or have suggestions for how to do this?

Regardless, it has been a fun little diversion while watching the Giants play the Dodgers.

Happy Dad’s day to you all!


Our local Walmart and Michaels craft store sells bags of animals for anywhere between $1 and $5 . It’s a grab bag thing but you might score a few birds and some other animals that might work to scale. When I made a model of my house I wanted to model the family dog (of that time) on the back porch. $1 bag of walmart ghetto animals found me a goat that I carved down and painted to look like a Schipperke. Rat bastard dog that I had a love hate relationship with but that’s another story.

Spit wads can be molded, dried and painted to waterproof or Dave Taylor’s favorite; Tite Bond III and then painted.

Post its seem to break down easy enough, but I only chewed notebook paper.

Ace carries; where you can get brass rods (wires) which are easy to solder