Large Scale Central

Finishing a Brian Briggs Model

That’s life on the high iron, repaints happen.

I like that you put the ACI plate on it. But, in the pictures it doesn’t look like you were as correct with the plate as you were with everything else.

Not sure what you mean? The ACI plate is on the left hand side. The numbers and spacing of the panels on the model are not the same width as the prototype. It might be a little low, but the DTI logo on the right is to high as well.


Chris Kieffer said:


Got to get this and other projects finished so I can get back to the GP30 and the plow.

Awww…shame on you Craig! The left side of the prototype doesn’t have a ladder but stirrups and there are 2 not 3 ! Perhaps purgatory will give you time to think about that!

Looks great though and this is exactly why I model by eye and not “strive” for accuracy .

I know Rooster. Brian was modeling this car in a later? era than I’m modeling, so I figure its one of those things I will have to live with. BTW, the roof is completely wrong and so are the ends… :wink:

Craig Townsend said:

Not sure what you mean? The ACI plate is on the left hand side. The numbers and spacing of the panels on the model are not the same width as the prototype. It might be a little low, but the DTI logo on the right is to high as well.

I was talking about the coloured stripes in the ACI plate. Its hard to tell from the size of the picture, but I am not sure its correct for that car.

Yea, I am only half serious, and half joking. Very few people viewing trains these days even know what an ACI plate is supposed to look like. When I had the local Kinko’s print some correct tags for me, in HO scale, the guy wasn’t sure about me. But then, most people aren’t none too sure about me.

David Maynard said

I was talking about the coloured stripes in the ACI plate. Its hard to tell from the size of the picture, but I am not sure its correct for that car.

Yea, I am only half serious, and half joking. Very few people viewing trains these days even know what an ACI plate is supposed to look like. When I had the local Kinko’s print some correct tags for me, in HO scale, the guy wasn’t sure about me. But then, most people aren’t none too sure about me.

Yah, those aren’t the right ACI tags for sure. Brian had a sheet of MicroScale ACI tags in the pile of decals, so I will use those up first. Then, I use the nice little program Burl wrote up to generate custom ACI tags.

I hate to disappoint, but this model just got a bath in 91% ISO. Too many decal errors, silvering of decals, etc for my liking so off it soaks.

Ahh the joy of model making.

Craig Townsend said:

I hate to disappoint, but this model just got a bath in 91% ISO. Too many decal errors, silvering of decals, etc for my liking so off it soaks.

Ahh the joy of model making.

Ain’t disappointing me as I personally understand. Still would not mind some of Brian’s decals as I would like to honor him as well. He was an amazing modeler. I’ll just slap the decals on a couple naked boxcars that have tons of errors but will carry the herald.

Just saying


I can send some decals your way. You asked a while back and I forgot.

Frustrating to get so close and then have the model messed up by my mistakes with decaling. Have I mentioned how much I hate decaling?