Large Scale Central

A few pictures from this afternoon

I promise this is the last post dedicated to my csx bethgon’s. lol.

FYI, I didn’t weather this inside of the cars because I plan on running coal loads. I just haven’t had the time to weather the coal loads yet.


These really look like the real gondolas! Great job. (

Is it real?(

Thanks guys!! :smiley:

Yup, I think you nailed it. Good job.

Very nice.

Yes, great job! I would like to do that to mine.

I made some for the SR RR. It was tuff to tell the colors because of the tinge of dirt that coats them. A RR guy said he thought they were dark blue when delivered. With the dirty coating on top, it looks like a green over black?

We see our models so clean all the time it takes some getting used to. The real ones don’t get cleaned very often I think.

Looks great cousin Matt!

Very nice. I just love modern RRs.

I sure do appreciate the comments! I am please with how they turned too, especially for a first attempt at weathering.

I can’t decide if I want to weather the railbox car or the csx grain car next. Well, after I get the last bethgon done. Of course as slow as I get to projects, it may be next fall. lol.

Well, the Railbox wouldn’t be complete without some graffiti. But that statement alone will start a whole new argument about the pros and cons of endorsing the bad behavior of those who “tag” cars.

David Maynard said:

Well, the Railbox wouldn’t be complete without some graffiti. But that statement alone will start a whole new argument about the pros and cons of endorsing the bad behavior of those who “tag” cars.

Not from me… tag it Cousin Matt!

David…and cousin David, lol…

That was the plan. I’ve found some graffiti that I think will look o.k. I just haven’t ordered it yet. I also plan on making it rusty too…well, I’ll try to anyway. It’ll be my first attempt and putting rust on the panels of a car. Should be fun. :smiley:

Nice, crusty look on that car end and I know they will look great with the loads, too.


Nice job!

I second the built up crude on the end.

I like the way your track snakes around the house.

I think you should do the interiors. In real life half the time the cars would be empty. Just grab a can of flat black and spray a bit inside, heavy in the bottom and let the dust settle on the sides walls.

Now those white cars need a bit of dusting up… hee hee.

Looking good Mr. Russell.

Dang, thanks guys! I appreciate the comments. :smiley:

I’m glad they turned out o.k. Even the really dark one doesn’t look too terrible outside. I think once I get a long string of them a darker one here and there might look cool.

Todd, maybe eventually I’ll do the interiors, but for now I need to finish the other one. I still have some rust to put on the others too. I didn’t do the couplers on one… or the coupler boxes. I’m looking forward to adding some weathering to the other cars. I also really want to do a custom rusty hopper. I found the road name I want in decals online, just haven’t bought the car yet. :smiley: I’ve been putting that off until I get a couple more cars detailed.

Nice job on the weathering. Dont worry about the darker ones, better to have them all look a little different. Dont forget the Rooster tag.

Thanks. The darkest one is my first attempt at weathering. The other two would be my second and third attempt. lol. Yeah, the unit trains through here vary colors. Every now and then there is a real dark one, while the rest are that brownish/gold color on the panels.

I’m still new…what’s the rooster tag?