Large Scale Central


Just got notice from Harry Henderson about the 2015 East Coast Large Scale Train Show on March 27 and 28.

Yep, time to start making plans for your 2015 season.

Planning on going, and already am setting aside “Crap I want to get rid of”, also known as “Rare and valuable large scale train items for sale”

Our club got our invite as well. looking forward to seeing everyone again.

I’m definitely planning to get down next year and looking forward to seeing everyone again! By the way, Fr Fred’s coming here by VIA train for a little overnight visit next Monday and Tuesday. I plan to take him around to a few pikes and have some of the local guys over for a bull session. I want to bring Fred down to York if his health is up to it next March. Cheers, all!

Looking forward to it already!

Another Train show???

Can I come?

I don’t see why not , you only live down the street!

Are we going to see pics of you here:

Stupid question : as you usually bomb photo’s!

Im all set to go. My double rainbow shirt is packed.

Gotta feelin it’s gonna be a loooooooooooong winter waiting fer that to get here…:wink:

Ken Brunt said:

Gotta feelin it’s gonna be a loooooooooooong winter waiting fer that to get here…:wink:

Especially if I don’t get track down before winter. Then their will be no videos for you too watch and help pass the time. :wink:

least it’s not the Anniversary weekend this year…maybe we’ll make it?

Have it checked off on the calendar, also need to make a list of items to get when we visit Kitchen Kettle Village, great place to visit if you like to eat!

You better get track down Shawn, how would you survive the winter without plowing snow on the new RR? BTW what brand of track did the new owner get you? (Just being nosy) :slight_smile:
Can’t wait to see what you have in mind for a start to the new RR.

I’m planning to go - can’t wait!

Oh yea, I am planning on it too. Bob I have some crap I wanna get rid of too.

Shawn (napkin builder) Viggiano said:

Ken Brunt said:

Gotta feelin it’s gonna be a loooooooooooong winter waiting fer that to get here…:wink:

Especially if I don’t get track down before winter. Then their will be no videos for you too watch and help pass the time. :wink:

You’re gonna have enough to do just movin…I wouldn’t worry about track till spring, especially up in your neck of the wilderness…:wink:

David Maynard said:

Oh yea, I am planning on it too. Bob I have some crap I wanna get rid of too.

For the last couple of years we’ve had two tables at the Drag n Brag on Friday for people to sell their stuff, and buy other stuff. I’ve netted out about even, it seems, between “stuff I dont want” and “stuff someone else has that I cant live without”.

What’s with the people planning the show.

Last year they used the Holiday Inn (Loucks Ave) as the show hotel…this year it seems they are advertising the HI Express, which is farther from the show…

The Louks Ave hotel is better for anyone that cares to party…and offers a better meeting room for the D&B. The cost isn’t much more if two stay in a room and split the price.

It saves driving, after a bheer or two with friends.

The HI Holidome has a full breakfast included, and for those that want a Diner…there is a great one very close by.

One year we tried the D&B at the Express, but their only room was way too small.

So…I’d advise staying at the Holiday Inn, Loucks Ave, where the D&B will be held, unless Ric changes it…

Randy my track was replaced with all 5 ft sections of Aristo track. We agreed on 150ft total but he threw in a few extra :slight_smile: