Large Scale Central

You wanted change?

Tom Ruby said:
From my crazy libertarian friend, who seems less crazy as years go by:


TOmRuBY, do you and Torby from the dark sid/te share one body? Best, Zubi

Vic, I’m with you on those HOA’s. They’re pure evil, and a magnet for every petty little Hitler-wannabe.

Periodically there’ll be some article in the paper about someone who’s run afoul of their HOA/COA over flying the flag or some other ridiculous thing. What did these idiots expect?? They signed the papers agreeing to give away their most basic property rights.

The answer, of course, is that they all thought it was ok as long as someone else is getting the shaft.

the “change” we’re likely to see is the similar to watching water in a sink. Round and round till it eventually goes down the drain.