Red said:
I’ve had feedback from NCE and CVP. Both advise of compatibility issues between the NCE GWire cab and CVP receivers. So I’m now in the market to sell one never used throttle and 6 QSI Gwire receivers!
I’m finding it difficult to select a new system, its a minefield of poorly explained info out there. It would be great if there was a uniform standard as in the smaller scales.
Well, you are looking at something that is relatively new, trying to move DCC, which is defined as a system with certain components, a certain architecture, and track power; to wireless, and eliminating certain important architectural details.
This is no different what the scale, there IS no standard.
DCC as defined by the NMRA is more than just the protocol, but certain functions, where a central command station is the only unit transmitting commands. This has been bypassed in most implementations. This creates unique problems that different people solve in different manners.
Since there is very little battery power used in all the DCC systems that exist, it would seem that this is the reason no one has determined a standard. Only in the last few years have people tried to “inter operate” between hardware from different manufactures in WIRELESS DCC implementations.
The fact that Airwire has violated the most fundamental issue, the actual timing of the protocol, shows that these manufacturers are really not interested in a universal standard.
So you are really seeing this in it’s infancy, in ALL scales.