Large Scale Central

What is happening to "The LSC Chat"

hey, John,

the last thing i saw from you was a pickle car(?) or an old fashioned tanker.

in case, you have forgotten, we all like pics. and your models are worth showing off.

It was nice seeing Friar Fred,Padre Mills ,Father Fred in chat this evening and actually chatting. Ooops I forgot he does not like nicknames!

Thank you, David; I was just playing the roll of antagonizer for the night, to give Gary a long deserved break.

It seems that the chat is slightly more active, since I wrote the first note in this thread, so I may have accomplished what I set out to do…attempt to get some life in it again…with help from all interested parties, we may keep it healthy for a while yet…now if we can get some more “Western Help”, it can thrive…

Thank you everyone, for helping…

Fred Mills

Hey Fred! I’ll answer the question in two parts. First though I have to admit I didn’t read any other posts so read with a grain of salt…

1 facebook. I belong to several largescale groups. I have it on my phone and it is instant. Pictures media everything. It’s easier and quicker to post and respond.

2 My internet provider hates LSC. I have changed browsers and computers. M phone, and 3 computers run this site so slow that it is painful. Tonight I waited 10 minutes just for chat to load. It takes 5 minutes just for the site to load. I don’t want to place blame cause im no computer wiz but it’s cumbersome to me so I avoid it.

I find I have the same problems as Terry with this site nowadays. Slow upload times and general clunkiness.

I get email notices that somebody has posted a reply, and they all say it’s from Bob McCown regardless of which member actually posted the reply. What’s the point of that, I’d like to know.

It gets worse. I get two types of these notices. The first type is OK; it says: “A member has posted a reply…” and it works fine, I can open it and read the reply, which is virtually always from someone other than Bob McCown. It would be helpful if the thing told me in the first place who had posted it.

The second type of notice is just a total PITA. Like the first, it also claims so be from Bob, but by now I know I have to ignore that. It says, “A uses user (sic) replied to the topic…” and then to read the reply you have to open a new tab, copy an address into your browser and go visit the page at the site. Then after that long slow load time, you get to read what is frequently some guy saying “I agree” or even less. These are reasons why I haven’t been around LSC much lately, chat or otherwise.

Terry’s comments re other media such as Facebook may well be accurate - I know that a lot of people have gone there. I have no experience of Facebook myself. Nowadays I’ve pretty much left the virtual world and returned to the real one. It’s better, by the way…

Rooster, your thanks made me laugh out loud the other night! FYI: Fred and I are talking about another visit to Mechanicsburg next Spring.

Korm: You can see what I’ve been up to, with hundreds of photos as well, on my club’s website, Search for the newsletter archives for the past couple of years for items by me or my pal johnnychuffchuff. I have taken a little time off from the Newsletter for the past 2-3 months, so go back further than that. Cheers!

There will always be people who will have some sort of problem…even back in the days of the tin cans, joined by a string, some could not seem to master, getting them to work. It seems that more and more, even with the help of high tech devices, or lack of them, the human being fails to master the art of COMMUNICATION…for those holy rollers, remember the lesson of the Tower of Babble…

John…ever thought that your old “Dial-up” system may be causing you to retreat from the internet, due to frustration, and stubbornness…and,

Terry…I’m happy that you are pleased with the other extreme…too much high tech, and too fast a lifestyle, for some others to find enjoyment …BUT…

I think we all find our level of technology, where each of us feels comfortable. If we miss out on the opportunity to enjoy other peoples friendship, knowledge, and help…we only have ourselves to blame.

All I’m trying to do in this thread that I started, is to bring more people together, in fellowship, to share the great things each of us are blessed with…if some don’t care, or find it difficult; I can’t do a dammed thing about it…but I have tried…and am not sorry for it.

Fred, I applaud your efforts. But technology can be a real bugger. A few years back, Comcast doubled my speed. So, instead of pages loading slow, but complete, I got pages loading fast, with a lot of little red Xs in boxes. Now I am back on Fios, and I don’t have either problem.

One of the main reasons for sites like this is fellowship. And, like you said, if someone chooses not to, they are missing out. OTOH, turning off the computer, and picking up the tools, gets more done in our worlds. So, it is a trade off. Just like most anything else in life.

I am grateful for all the friends I have made on sites like this. I feel that the knowledge and friendships I have gained has enriched my life. As for the enemies I have also gained, they can just…

Edit because my “smart phone” is an idiot, and can’t post for doo doo.

Well, the Left Coasters are dropping in, slowly but surely…

Had a nice visit with Fred last night but the right coasters except Fred (and even the leftt had gone to bed! I missed John Miller, another left coaster, but I’ll try again!

The right coasters tend to be the busiest between 7:00 and 8:30 EDST on most nights.

On chat last nite, first time for me, had a good time. If you haven’t tried it give it a shot
