Large Scale Central

What am I missing and looking for suggestion's/ideas?

Richard Smith has a building on his layout that is storage for his cars. It looks like a long freight house but the doors open up in the end and he can back trains in on 2 tracks. There’s an article on it elsewhere but not sure if it ever got posted here. He also did an earlier building…prior to his raised layout that’s quite good too. Same Idea but if I recall correctly, it was a bit larger.

I just checked his freight shed and the building is there…showing the construction etc.

Hans-Joerg Mueller said:
David Russell said:
Brian, I have been thinking about the plantings you suggested and they are all very good Idea's. We already have Hosta's and ferns(in the shady areas) My current issue is a train barn and where to put it??? I was goning to run them into the house but after final "CAREFUL" measurement instead of just guessing, in order to get them into the house the train must climb atleast a 5% grade?? I don't think that will work unless I break the train down . My question is what are you guys doing for storage? Does anyone have a barn on the mainline somewhere? I would like about a 24' barn if possible but will settle for 16'. I need some ideas and soon. I have browsed everyone's Train Shed and websites but didn't see many storage idea's? Dave

What does that carefully considered track alignment to get into the house look like?

Storing your trains in the house, by moving them on the track right into the house/garage/sunroom or whatever, is by far the neater solution than having “things outside”.

The “real McCoy” would be storing the consists, as they end up at the end of the day, without having to even split them. OTOH if they need to be marshalled for the next day I guess breaking them up is no big deal, either.

Well it’s not that it is carefully considered, it’s just that is was carefully measured. I eyeballed it at first and thought it looked like maybe a few inches to climb. I need to go 16" in 24’ which leaves me with about a 5 1/4% grade. I’m only running 1 train for now as it’s a folded dogbone plan that I eventually plan to run DCC or a Train Engineer later for multiple operations with a few sidings for industry etc. But till I get all my stuff out I’m looking at about atleast a 25 or 30’ train. I have no problem breaking that down in half but the “cat’s rear end” would be to run them into the shed.

Warren ,
THANKYOU!!! I missed that but “yes” that is pretty much what I’m after.:wink:
I have a bunch of rescued 6" T&G redwood that some dummy was gonna throw in a burn pile for a party

The best pic I could find posted is this one. I would bring the siding off the outside track, about the 3 fence post’s out where the bend is,I purposley left that space for the run. I’m standing on the deck taking the pic and the posts are about 8’ o.c. Don’t know if I have it reduced enough to make it open but lets see if I can do this right?
Thanks Guys

With any luck I’ll get the footings poured for my train shed this week. It’s only going to be 10-12 feet long but it will be five tracks wide. It will be on one leg of a turning wye so trains will be able to run either direction. I like the idea of being able to park the trains at the end of the day and lock them up.

A short update as I haven’t posted in awhile. I have not had much time to really work on the RR so far(moving the parents back home and they are a mess,just getting their issues straightened out etc.) Dad loves the RR and running it(especially with his grandson) has sure been fun even though I need more power and steel wheels,uniform coupler’s,a train shed…etc???
I did get to some sub ballast under the ladder and thought I would share. Progress has been slow but I feel I have got a ton done so far and perhaps a break is needed although tell my A.D.D mind that? Parents are priorty #1 right now and hope to progess more this fall with plantings etc.
Thanks for looking and comments and suggestions are greatfully welcome. I must say though looking at the pics so far it looks like I’m loaded with $$$ and that’s not the case(someone posted that once before somewhere) about the younger generation with lot’s of money just getting what they want and I hope you guy’s don’t feel that way. I just busted my butt and I’m very handy! Been saving and collecting for this about 7yrs now and they day has finally come. My son Zach about crapped himself when I dumped all that limestone wheel barrow by wheel barrow in the yard. So he got out all his Tonka stuff Front end loaders ,dump trucks etc…I snuck that one pic in while he wasn’t looking…now that’s what it;s all about!!! Thanks for reading my babble’s and enjoy!

As you said “That’s what it is all about”. I can’t agree more. Good stuff, thanks for sharing.

Since John lane posted his fantastic progress. I got excited and added a few shot’s to my site. Progress has been slow for the most part but did get some plantings etc. done at least what is visible from the street.
The best feeling is when people stop at your fence and enjoy it! I remember 10 yrs ago seeing a large scale layout for the first time and seeing the reaction on my son’s face when he saw one 4yrs ago. It’s a great hobby and I would like to thank Bob and all of you guy’s here as this is a fantastic resource. I know I’m a blabber mouth ( as Ralph Cramden would say) Thanks for tolerating my babble’s!
Note the sucessful MU’ed Chessies in the pics :lol:

Looking good, David! Nice work.