For once Warren has a good idea, that isn’t political, imagine that!!!
warren is right after all “TRAINS IS TRAINS” no matter what scale??? whoops this is LARGESCALEONLINE though! The only thing that is constant is “Change” right guys!
/me Calls in Delta Force to deal with Hijackers…
In a building log no less. No respect
Bart, I’m sorry for interupting your topis, if I could delete my own post I would, I wouldn’t be offended if Bob removed my post from this topic as it adds no value to the topic
with all do respect,
Mark -
I think Bart was just yankin’ your chain. My comment was entirely in jest - thus the smile.
Thread drift is a way of life around here. Don’t worry about it.
/me ducks as Bart wings scrap wood toward my head
Jon, i was being sarcastic , Bob would never delete a post and U know it!@
There is far too much respect going on here.
We return you to your regularly scheduled program. :lol:
Bart, would that thickness of foam hold up in a portable module, if suitably reinforced by a frame of 1 X 3’s?
(Yes I was kidding, geeeze is the Pithy Retort a Forgotten Art around here?) Oh yeah 2" foam is some strong stuff on its own…go get a 4x8 of it and see!
And in other news…The Upper Tier is in place! The trackplan here is gonna look very similar to the track plan for ‘Silver Plume’ in the Jan/Feb 2008 NG&SLG, basically a passing siding with the Depot between the tracks, with a fer spurs off to various local industries. The mill won’t be modeled, but will be representd by loading docks and lumberstacks against the far backdrop. The Lumber railroad switches the mill and their plant switcher delivers and picks up traffic at the interchange. Went down to work on track yesterday morning, replaced a turnout, and the whole bloody layout was kaput. Could NOT get power to the rails, so I took the plunge, removed the block wiring, and rewired for DCC. That means 'til the system is installed, one loco at a time on the layout. Thats Ok since I’m gonna run the Connie (Bachmann Outside Frame Consolidation) for testing purposes, I figger if she stays on the track and don’t bump into anything, nothing else will have issues… Go to Top of Page
Bart Salmons said:
(Yes I was kidding, geeeze is the Pithy Retort a Forgotten Art around here?) Oh yeah 2" foam is some strong stuff on its own…go get a 4x8 of it and see!
And in other news…The Upper Tier is in place! The trackplan here is gonna look very similar to the track plan for ‘Silver Plume’ in the Jan/Feb 2008 NG&SLG, basically a passing siding with the Depot between the tracks, with a fer spurs off to various local industries. The mill won’t be modeled, but will be representd by loading docks and lumberstacks against the far backdrop. The Lumber railroad switches the mill and their plant switcher delivers and picks up traffic at the interchange. Went down to work on track yesterday morning, replaced a turnout, and the whole bloody layout was kaput. Could NOT get power to the rails, so I took the plunge, removed the block wiring, and rewired for DCC. That means 'til the system is installed, one loco at a time on the layout. Thats Ok since I’m gonna run the Connie (Bachmann Outside Frame Consolidation) for testing purposes, I figger if she stays on the track and don’t bump into anything, nothing else will have issues… Go to Top of Page
Why should I go to the top of the page?
You just did Ric. His was the last post on that page…
How would I have known that? Who’s on first?
I dunno - Third Base!
Now how could Garden Railways compete with this?
Where else would you ever find free entertainment as good as this…
Well lets see…I’m pretty sure I’ve done a lot since last I posted…I declared this “Engine Terminal Week” and began a Roundhouse…
And since every Roundhouse SHOULD have a turntable…I cut the hole out for that too…
I’m upsizing an Atlas TT unit from a 9" one to a 12" one…with a little Bartisizing Ingenuity…
This is the new pit bottom that will go on the assembly above…yes thats real dirt posing as dirt!
Connie is shifting in the yards…checking the clearances and general ‘flow’ of the yard…
And finally just a general look at the layout from the Roundhouse area…
Any thoughts of putting this in the “Articles” portion of LSC without the editorial comments? Very good info between the lines.
Bart the work looks real good. Is this what you were showing on the Chat the other evening?