Large Scale Central

Verizon Fios ?????

OK, so I did a speed test and we are getting numbers in the 94 Mbps range for uploads and downloads. I talked to a Verizon rep today and a serviceman is coming out tomorrow. The rep told me those numbers should be in the 105-110 range. It still takes about 30 seconds or more to get connected to the internet. I may have mentioned this earlier but Youtube videos keep pausing midstream. Never had either of these issues with Comcast.

Perhaps I missed it but are you using a modem that they suggest as I believe you stated you are hardwired. The ISP’s are a head game.

Gary, when things get slow… please take note of the ping time, it is the first thing speedtest does… if your ping time is bad, you can forget the speed pretty much.


Greg Elmassian said:

Gary, when things get slow… please take note of the ping time, it is the first thing speedtest does… if your ping time is bad, you can forget the speed pretty much.



It’s funny you should mention the ping…I always pay attention to that first because I’m aware that can effect speed. On my PC, I can get pings from around 10 to as high as 35-40, yet my speed is always in the 60mps-70mps. Now when I get pings over 50 and up, my speed is pretty slow…around 15-20mps.

On the other hand, our Macbooks with Safari, never seem to get pings higher than 35-40mps and never lower than about 15.

One thing that was suggested to me by a Charter serviceman was to reboot the router and modem about once a week.

I have a timer on the router that turns it off every night at 4am and back on at 5am. Routers can get clogged and slow. [It’s a problem when I can’t sleep and I get up at 4:30am to find - No Internet !! ]

I don’t even use my PC for video streaming anymore because of the “circular dots” always appearing and the video pausing.

FYI. iTunes downloads videos to your computer for replay offline, thus side-stepping the online response issue. Works for TV episodes and movies, and for MS Windows. My pal downloads them to his iPad to watch on the plane.
FYI (2) Google Cast does not. It appears to send your video from your computer to Google where it is turned around and sent back to your TV - even if they are in the same room !!! I took it back when I found it wouldn’t work offline, and won’t work if there is no internet connection.

Service man out this morning. Even he was confused. But in the end I believe he may have fixed the issue we are having. All of our equipment is in tip top shape. What he found was that the router at the central location wasn’t operating as it should. So far today, I get instant log in to the internet and the computer seems to be operating faster.