Large Scale Central

Up scaling HO/O scale drawings to 1/29th

I think that’s the real beauty of Scale Print.

You just have to have a .jpg file of your plan. Typically, drawings from the mags have actual measurements on them, so you load the jpg into scale print and tell it the feet and inches between two points.

Then you tell it the scale you want printed. It has the common ones for us: 1:20, 1:22.5, 1:24, 1:29, and 1:32. (It also has user defined.) Then you tell it to print and out it comes.

It does not matter how big the plan is; Scale Print will divide it up into some number of pages that you just cut up and tape together to make your full size to scale plan.

I’ve found it very useful.

Go to Jail , go directly to jail! Do not pass Go and do not collect $200. I could go to Hell for this but I’m doing it anyway!

See, Who said Roosters were just good for spouting off at the crack of dawn. :wink:

Nice picture, any details on how you acquired it…

Not only that, but who is behind that???

Can’t be Rooster it doesn’t have enough feathers. Oh wait our Rooster doesn’t have many feathers according to his picture. LOL

Hmmmmmmm Pictures gone again but that’s no surprise…:slight_smile:

The only picture I saw still stands?