Large Scale Central

Undead Raccoon

John Bouck said:
Ralph, How many skunks did she kill? Or porcupines? :) :)

Some dogs all it takes is one encounter. Others just love it, no matter how many times they get sprayed or quilled!
I guess some are “smarter” than others. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Plenty of skunks. I don’t know about the porcupines.
The only animal to back this dog down was a 6 foot long Beaver. It took a chunk out of her nose and she stayed within a few feet of the house for several weeks afterward.

Angel (of Destruction) absolutely does not tollerate a mole in her territory. I’m not sure who does more damage.

Tom Ruby said:
Angel (of Destruction) absolutely does not tollerate a mole in her territory. I'm not sure who does more damage.
So true, Tom. But at least the damage stopped with the demise of the moles. Ralph