Large Scale Central

Triple O Gloss -- Passenger Car & Parlor Car


Kid-zilla asked that we restore rather than repurpose the remaining circus coach. The Hawaiian Railway Museum’s docent’s donation of a string of circus cars for Kid-zilla to clean and repair prompted Kid-zilla to ask for this redirection. He will only be my sidekick for a few years; there will always be another derelict coach to repurpose. Once we get a bit further along on his loco restoration (Triple O -- Bachmann 10-Wheeler Salvage Campaign) , we will return to this project, using techniques we experimented with in the first phased to not simply restore but to improve this coach.

Quick question, though…

We plan to paint the interior. What is the best way to mask the exterior to prevent overspray through the windows? Simply mask the entire exterior of the coach?

In the meantime, I will see if I can sit down on my computer and make some decals for what we’ve already done.

Updates as progress merits!


I used blue paper based 3M painters (masking) tape on my pola buildings. It conformed well for masking the rough wooden windows and slats and cut easily with an exacto knife. I stuck tape to regular A4 paper (any paper will do) for managing any overspray.

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The one and only Bachmann car that I ever painted the interior on. It is modified a little but I was trying to remember how I did the interior and I found the only pic that kinda shows it. Appears I popped the windows out and masked , I believe I let below the windows alone as the seats block it anyway.

Then you made me find the below picture. I know you say you only have a a few more years left with Kidzilla. HOWEVER mind you there is a STRONG possibility this could be his bedroom 15 yrs from now and your either gonna have to deal with it or throw him out of the house!

I’ll light a candle for you!

Ok I lied a little , this is the only other one I did however I DO NOT HAVE pics on how I painted the interior? Ask yourself … is it more work to totally disassemble and paint the car while adding details as opposed to keeping the car assembled and just masking off ?

Just thinking out loud.


Here in Canada, those were called “Grain Doors”…
Fred Mills

Thanks. This car is already disassembled, so, yeah, we are going for it! We’ll eventually mask and paper per the suggestions above then give the interior a light grey coat like we did for the other coach.


As Bill Hines said, you can use the wide blue masking tape on the outside in a continuous strip, pressed firmly to the window space as you go. The interior paint will get on the sides of the window opening, but if you use the same technique on the exterior, they will get painted the exterior color.


The 1:24 gang and I took up the last of the circus cars, which, as noted, will be restored to service at Kid-zilla’s request rather than converted to a parlor car. We’ve already repainted the trucks and undercarriage, and we will paint the interior using the masking tips above to prevent overspray. The seats will also get flocked, because that’s just fun. But that is all in the future.

Today, the 1:24 gang and I removed the windows and cut away the interior lighting (not before taking a photo so I know what to do when I reassemble it!). Then, we had to decide if we wanted to restore the broken window frame or just cut out the center bit as we did for the other coach.

Kid-zilla came back from the park, and he ordered us to just cut out the center bit.

I finished up the day by fixing some dings around both windows with Tamiya putty. Unlike the previous coach, I made some attempt to fashion a sill where the vertical post used to be. We’ll see how that works!

Updates as needed!



Tropical storms last weekend made painting a dicey proposition, but we proceeded on this project during calmer moments.

After I cleaned the car body with soap and water, Kid-zilla assisted with the masking using the methods shared above. The roof is already a light color, so we opted not to paint the interior of that.

I doublechecked his work (It needed some extra tape around the edges), and took it to the Palm of Spray Painting for some light grey interior paint.


Kid-zilla was pleased with overspray free results!

The seats, interior floors, WC, and stove are also in paint. We need to paint the chair frames black and flock the seats, then we can rewire and reassemble the car, giving Emmett a full complement of circus cars to tow!

Updates as merited!




We engaged in a little prep-painting today prior to flocking the seats.

I have explained to my little familiar that he is not allowed to start his AMTRAK project until this coach and Silver Star are done!

I’ve painted all the railings brass, and we have all the parts ready to hand. We should have this buttoned up, lit up, and rolling behind Emmett in a few weeks if not sooner!


Art imitating life, or vice versa?

Stumbled across this today on web page…

Perhaps you are being a little hard on the boy ?

This a new generation and if he’s into Amtrak then you will have to accept it as it is 2024 Eric! His AMTRAK elders have been ridiculed, spat upon and publicly defiled for the next generation but their sacrifices are paying off.

Besides I should report you to the moderator for saying flocking!