Large Scale Central

Triple O -- Bachmann 10-Wheeler Salvage Campaign

That looks great but it needs more brass!!

I’m not loving the blue/grey smokebox paint. Maybe it’s just the photo?

Hmmm…some of it is the lighting, but, yes, it does have a bluish tint. We discussed masking and repainting, but that set off “analysis paralysis,” so I made the suggestion we correct the colors on the next project.


Coming! The handrails should do the trick!

4 . Paint the inside of the cab industrial green
5 . Detail the boiler back head with paint pen

Just thinking while the cab is off??
Also thinking the others will probably come up with 6,7,8,9

As for the boy…

Amtrak Yoda

Huummm…The young Jedi learns quickly I see!
Remember always that 8 is afraid of 7 as 7,8,9 …Horrific thing to witness!


Alas, we had already decided on flat black, and Kid-zilla had already done the touch-up work by hand!

As with the smokebox, we will correct this on the next project!

I had already decided to take a crack at the backhead.

Brass, not white, but I had yet to read your recommendation! Someone else was pretty eager to see the cab installed, so this is where the backhead will stand.

Finally, we did test the smoke generator.

That shocked us both! We then found a point to solder the headlamp when we were ready for that step. Finally, I explained the polarity switch. He decided he wanted to be able to use it, so I set him to work expanding the puka behind the smokebox door.

Not shown are his efforts to reassemble the tender. We will have to make some handrails. but it was otherwise OK. He scored the boards holding back the coal and painted them appropriately. It looks great!

Finally, he consulted the family, and most agreed with @PeterT that the smokebox was a bit too blue. They also voted to keep the finish flat to accentuate the “brass.” Finally, we agreed on white lettering, with a big “7” on the cab sides, Golden Star on the top of each side of the tender, and O, O & O immediately under that. That should make uniform and clean.

  • Eric
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I am seriously thinking it’s time to rename Kidzilla to something more keeping with his growing skills.

I agree. He’s really YS [Youngest Son] but got the nickname early, I believe. I’m sure Eric and family can come up with something, if they agree.

Apply a coat of dilute acrylic matt black with a brush? It will darken it and tone it down.

Pushing his skill level up a knotch Pete. And I agree with you two on him outgrowing KZ. Rooster renamed him a while back with Padawan and that seems to fit :sunglasses:

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We could just call him : “The Artist Formerly Know as Kidzilla” :peace_symbol:

I don’t know. I’m enjoying storyline of Kidzilla vs. the SteamMonster. Released in March and again directed by Eric Müeller, I believe it’s the eleventh instalment in the Kidzilla franchise.

SPOILER ALERT! Kidzilla and his dad embark on a project to repair a beloved antique steam train. During their repairs, poorly designed parts from the toy train form into a mischievous entity known as the SteamMonster, causing citizens throughout LargeScale Centralia to team up and offer encouragement and advice. Kidzilla uses his newfound skills in painting and soldering to outsmart the SteamMonster and restore the locomotive to a museum quality working condition.

The story highlights the importance of perseverance, creativity, and teamwork, and the CINCHOUSE philosophy of keeping this hobby fresh and exciting for a new generation.

I have concerns surrounding the risk of renaming Kidzilla. Remember everyone’s concern when Kidzilla became interested in Amtrak? I think most of LargeScale Centralia finally came around to the fact that there could be worse life-choices. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

But think about this… I know it’s a bit selfish, but what might happen to Eric’s threads if he has to divide his time to post on other forums about his new adventures with Rocketlad, BMX-boy, (or shudder)… Wii-dude!? :grin:

Back in the day in the hood.

that renaming would have to be well thought through.
if this boy goes on learning at the speed he showed during the last years, i foresee the day, he will post about his teaching Eric, how to saw straight… or similar.
so if he gets a new nickname, it should be something, that later on can be amplyfied by a “chief-” or similar prefix.
just saying… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Renaming a person…
Just for the supposed novelty of it; why not just call him by his real first name, and help him be proud of it.
I don’t think I have ever properly been introduced to the young fellow, but would be proud of the opportunity.
Fred mills

Actually, he positively OWNS that name. It is his railroading identity, at least for now. He showed no inclination to give it up as he scrolled through everyone’s tips today. When he is ready to move on from being “Kid-zilla,” he’ll let me know! Many thanks to Bob @rmccown-admin for creating and maintaining a site where we can all share the accomplishments of the children in our lives.

As to the project at hand, progress on multiple fronts today. I’ll post an update tomorrow. My computer is doing weird stuff, making updating photos a challenge.

Have a Great Week!


Streamliners behind a 3’ K ??

Fred, this is the internet, and Google is trolling and cataloging all these pages as we speak. Kids need protection - hence the pseudonyms. I use a different name on most forums and websites for the same reason.

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and I can see why. The ‘-zilla’ part suggests enormous size and brute force strength, yet the ‘kid’ implies it is all contained in a small package, to be unleashed at will. Keep it up, Kid-zilla.

Fred he has never used any name other than his name , for personal or private reasons and while I know the names I would never mention them as that is Eric’s wish. Just like no one knows my real given name. Some of us need the or like the privacy it holds. Although I almost never answer if my real name is announced.:joy::joy: