Large Scale Central

TrainOps 2024

What is TrainOps? (Don’t know the drill for 20 characters)

It started when I invited a bunch of LSCers to come to my house and help me finish my RR. I invited them back a couple months later for an ops session. A few years of that, then Stan Ames invited everyone to come to his impressive layout on Sunday, and then Al Pomeroy invited people to come to his RR on Friday.

So its a weekend of railroading. Friday is “run at Al’s, or come to my place for run-what-you-brung. Saturday is an ops session here until everyone is tired. Sunday is at Stan’s place”

Its really fun, even though I dont get to operate on my own RR. :slight_smile:

I’m so pleased that Linda and I can finally come!

Bob’s layout is amazing, in my on-site opinion. Truly beautiful. I’ve not been to Al’s, but from what he and others have posted, it is wonderful as well.

Stan and Deb have almost a (real) mile of track, wandering through many “towns” down their hillside. They also have numerous locos and wireless throttles; and they hand you (engineer and conductor partners) a clipboard showing your loco, and what cars it needs to move where.

Here’s the video I took of their stupendous layout… I was only trying to record what I’d seen, for my memory… I don’t sound or present well at all here. And yet, simple as this video is, I’ve gotten 36k watches of it. Go Deb and Stan!!

We’ll be driving, yay! So that means we can bring my only battery-powered loco, a wonderful Shay by Bruce Chandler, for Bob’s and Al’s.

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@rmccown-admin Bob - can I ask for a simple mod? There are lots of Operations sessions mentioned on this site, and it’s tough to tell which one you are talking about [I thought this thread was about Andy’s RR.]
Just add a prefix or suffix so it is instantly clear which Ops session you are talking about, please? TrainOps-Bob-Al-Stan 2024 would work, or whatever.

Bringing this back up to the top. We’re a few weeks away from TrainOps 2024! Three days of operation on three different layouts. Friday is generally at Al’s, and my place later in the afternoon. Saturday is a full day of operations here, and Sunday is over at Stan’s.

Please come, even to just watch and take pictures!

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Marilyn, Shadow and myself plan to be there, Arriving Wednesday the 3rd to Minuteman Campground just a few miles down the road from Bob’s for an extended stay. Probably making a run to Merimack NH on Thursday to look at a travel trailer if they still have it in stock.

Will be at Al’s, Bob’s & Stan’s. Heading home Monday the 8th.

Camper’s Inn? Don’t expect to get any service if you buy from them.

Yes, but wasn’t planning to buy there. They have a model we are interested in on hand. Also at their Raynham , MA store. We want to check it out before ordering from my local dealer where I bought our current unit. I think they are probably the only ones that will take my 17 year old trailer on trade. I don’t want to sell privately - too many issues to explain!

Linda and I will be there. We’ve got a BnB booked in Chelmsford, and will attend as we can figure out how to.

I will try to meet up @ Bobs Friday after work …

Put most of the buildings out. Did a bit of maintenance at Williamsport, needs a bit more but getting there.

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7 posts were split to a new topic: Camping Trailers (Moved from TrainOps 2024)

Like Bob i have been prepping for TrainOps. inside the Ophier loop the final building is fit in. It is the House beside the trestle.

i also added appropriate grade crossings for the road. (crossbucks on the horizon)

to see all the buildings at Ophier loop you need to attend TrainOps

I will also note this building is the prototype for an upcoming Banta Models Kit.


Please move discussion on trailers to a new thread.

Let’s keep this one on TrainOps.

Would like to see more people attending.


Looks like we are ON! Reservations made! (though I won’t have anything to run! :unamused:)
We’ll be headed for New York first, to stay with Jean’s brother for a night up, and one on the way back as well.

Our move in date is now set for July 12…

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No problem Stan. Bob is on it!

I too would love to see a larger crowd. All three layouts are impressive and worth a visit, but Stan’s is absolutely huge and built in a wonderful wooded setting.

Fixed the sidings at Williamsport today, and set out all the cars. Next up is Dead Rooster Gulch.

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Two weeks to go. All the buildings are out and in place (mostly). One piece of track to extend a siding a bit more, and then a bit of car maintenance and get them in place. Rainy today, so that’ll be tomorrow’s work I guess.

Don’t forget to screw down the brick on the siding for Radder.

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That was Ken, even though he blamed me for failing to call the distance. I’m sure he will be there in spirit, probably causing derailments on perfect track!