Large Scale Central

TrainOps 2010

Nice pics men. Thanks for the photo’s and commentary. Always nice to see trains being enjoyed. :slight_smile:

Bruce Chandler said:
I never turn down a call from Dave Goodson. It's always interesting...and even more so lately.

Besides, it was BETWEEN trains. :wink:


So this looks like it was really interesting. There are a couple of pictures that shows the back of paperwork.



Bob looks dejected as Ken tells him, I’d like some examples of the paperwork -


and then both of them tell me its right off the screen, “over there”


Bruce tries to explain it on the cell phone -


Marilyn and Jean can’t believe we can actually do this and call it fun.


So I ask, do you have copies of the switching lists? And can you give a blow by blow of the assignments of each train and who had superior rights to trackage? Looks like it was a great time. Boy, Marty’s and this at Bob’s, York really didn’t have much of a chance did it?

Ric Golding said:
So I ask, do you have copies of the switching lists? And can you give a blow by blow of the assignments of each train and who had superior rights to trackage?
You should have been there! ;)

Rooster said - “You should have been there! wink”

It wasn’t in the cards, or stars or schedule. We only made it to Marty’s for about 3 hours and a quick run of Bubba’s rail bus. What a kick that was. I really am trying to work on this work schedule and obligation stuff. Its coming together, but taking a lot of time and brain cells.



The Eastbound train leaves Burke yard headed counter-clockwise. West leaves clockwise. Eastbound train switches Williamsport, bypasses Pearce, and heads on to Majestic where it does the majority of the switching. No locomotives are allowed under the colliery, so if you need to reach a car, you have to use an idler. Another rule is that you can’'t put a caboose on the siding that leads to the company store - the clearance is too tight. :wink: The Westbound train heads through the loops towards Majestic. This is a good place to meet the Eastbound train, but if they’re not done yet, we can also clear the main at Pearce. It does no switching at Majestic, but heads over to Pearce where it switches the two industries there. It is a bit harder to switch than the typical trailing point siding as there are cars you have to move out of the way at one industry before you can get to the last industry. There is no run around, so you’re typically sorting cars out on the main. The first time Jean and I switched Pearce we pulled 9 cars out to get to the last flat. Subsequent runs were a bit easier.


From there, the Westbound train heads to Williamsport for more switching. The Eastbound does NOT switch the pipe factory, so if there are any pipes to pick up the Westbound will do it. The pipe gondolas require idler flatcars on each end. They end up in Burke Yard.

Very cool! Not being over familiar with TrainOps, does it tell you what cars to pick up and which ones to leave at each industry and are they divided by towns or industries or both? Does it mark which train the piece of rolling stock is in and what type of car or what road and number it is?

Ric, Yes, the switchlist tells you everything you need to know. It’s organized by industry within a town. Here’s a copy of a switchlist from one of my sessions.


Ric Golding said:
Rooster said - "You should have been there! wink"

It wasn’t in the cards, or stars or schedule. We only made it to Marty’s for about 3 hours and a quick run of Bubba’s rail bus. What a kick that was. I really am trying to work on this work schedule and obligation stuff. Its coming together, but taking a lot of time and brain cells.

How many brain cells?

“How many brain cells?”

Believe me, all I’ve got.

Thanks Bruce, that is what I was looking for. Very descriptive and straight forward. So have you got TrainOps working on the J&BRR?

Yes, my first operations session using TrainOps was in June of 2009…or at least that’s the earliest one I can find. My first few ops sessions here were all done manually, which is a real pain to keep everything straight.

TrainOps relieves me of the monotony, plus makes it nice and random each time.