Large Scale Central

Time to build - adding to Winery scene

Hello all. It’s been too long since I’ve been online. I see some things have changed.

After having to pull up the whole layout due to a sink hole (now fixed), I was only left with a little switch yard. An attempt to do a timesaver yard. I never connected it to the original layout, so it just sat. The winery was from a MIK build challenge back in '18/'19(?).

And many times sitting on the patio with the wife, the light build finally went off.
It is time for me to add to this little scene. She thought that was a great idea since she sits and plays on her phone and I tend to get bored just sitting for long periods. The urge to build/play with trains gets me when looking at this switch yard.

My idea is to build a small diesel engine and small flat cars to switch around. The story line is that the diesel will be bring in crates of picked grapes from the far off vineyard to be processed and then it can take away filled barrels of liquid refreshments :yum:.

I just wasn’t 100% sure what kind of small diesel I should build. I have plans that I can scale down(?) for a 7/8" Plymouth (Garden Railways, 1998, Plan set #36). I am not concerned if this is UK or American. I was going to use link-and-pin or just a link/hook coupler with the small flat cars (no off the shelf coupler). Any other ideas (and links to plans) that I could look at and consider?

I was also, but later on after I get some scratch building done, was considering a steam 0-4-0T engine (like a docksider or porter or something small like that) because I have the water tower, coaling and sand station. But I figured that would be a bit more advanced for my novice experience :crazy_face:.

I do have two 3d printers and I can print these out, but (to me) that’s cheating myself. I figured if my scratch building turns out terrible (to me that is), I can always fall back on a 3D printed one :wink:. But for now, I’d like to spend my time trying to build from scratch and learn in the process.

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…and Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers out there.

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Well, if you’re looking for a small diesel, how about something like this?

More here: A Brass Critter

It could be done in styrene as well…

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Thanks Bruce. I remember seeing your ‘critter’. Does it matter if the motor is from a RS-3 motor block or a USA NW2? I’d like to make it look close but I’m not a bolt counter :wink:

I wouldn’t think it would matter…especially NOT to me! :innocent:

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I love where this is going. It’s so easy to get lost in the big stuff but it can also be fun to do large scale in small places. This is not a grand scale project but is a most definitely a grand project.

It gives me an idea as I plan to start laying a dog bone of 32 mm gauge track. I might just incorporate a time saver at one end where the mine will be. Use the time saver to switch the mine.

I can’t wait to see your winery version. Just a very cool idea.

As for a diesel design and the desire to scratch build and also being 3d printer capable why not work up a unique one off design of your own? I have a USA trains set of trucks that I am holding in reserve for something similar. I have often thought a single dual axle diesel switcher would be fun.

Go nuts. Just make a whimsical but believable little diesel using all your capabilities

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Here is a bunch of ideas that might keep you busy deciding for awhile! :laughing:

I’ve grabbed the files for these to see if I can upscale them.

Ok. Thanks Rooster. I’ve made up my mind. I’ll build a critter. :laughing:
This first one will be a Plymouth-ish critter.
I started working on the cars first to give me some sense of scale to aim for.
I’ll follow up with pics once I get something to show besides bits and pieces of wood all over the work bench. :grin:

And thanks Bob. That might help me out.

Beautiful work Matt, and please keep posting!

Just a little more help for you !

Then when all else fails you can just buy one of these!!!

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Rooster, stop already :laughing:. You are making me go down that Internet rabbit hole. If only I had more time…in all seriousness, Thank you. A lot of food for thought. (sometimes you have to be careful asking for advice :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:).

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Having the day off yesterday, I did my own design of a grape harvesting bin. I’m happy with myself. I think they came out good. I’m planning on using the ones on the right. The stacked ones are a bit smaller and not there for my eyes/scale. Yes, these are 3d printed. Had to use one of my tools.

Need to print more, but for now, on to the flat car to carry these around (then the Critter engine, of some sort - Rooster gave me a lot of homework. Might be a while :crazy_face: ).

I might be doing this all backwards. As I have time to work on these items, I’ll work on them. So updates may be a bit slow.


Ok … Now that the export grape crates are inspected and covered by fat boy wearing the derby. Can we see the crew that will be stomping the grapes? I would like to know who currently owns the “Roving Rooster” which I believe Lou started (back in the day in the hood) cause you need him right now for grape stomping Matt!

I would buy a bunch of those bins,are they 4’x4’scale ?

I designed it based on dimensions I googled. 48"x40"x31" then scaled it to 4% to print. I figured the eye/mind would fill in the rest of the details.

Those came out great nice work.

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Thanks all for the encouraging words.
I might have something to show later today. Trying to finish up a ‘prototype’ of the mini-flat car. Since I’ll be making 10+ of these, I’m trying to stick with simple items so I can do a mass-production of them.

I might need some help with the coupling part. I figured I would do something very simple like a loop/hook set up. But then again, I have a lot of old Bachman/USA Train/AristoC couplers in a bin. But I’m thinking those might look TOO big on these mini-flat cars. But that is just the image I have in my head. I might be way off and it wouldn’t be too bad. I’ll see later today or tomorrow if I can get to that stage.

Nothing to show, just yet. It will be coming. Stay tuned.