Large Scale Central

The Lunatic Fringe Strikes Again

Tourist: Yes I’m sorry I can’t say the letter ‘B’

Bounder: C?

Tourist: Yes that’s right. It’s all due to a trauma I suffered when I was a sboolboy. I was attacked by a bat

Bounder: A cat?

Tourist: No a bat


Ric Golding said:

You said - "Scientific American is a highly reputable journal–the articles are peer reviewed and well documented. It’s not the “lunatic fringe” by any means. "

Does that mean it is one set of parasites assisiting/supporting another set of parasites to steal more tax dollars through grants to support unfounded bull hokey about totally usless crap that nobody would care about if it wasn’t for the ability to get more tax funded grant money to study more crap? We live daily with “peer reviewed” missinformation used to fund useless programs. Using your signature - skeptical but resigned.

My only thoughts to this type of stuff is “go get a real job”.

I’m not quite sure what you mean here. You were a bit subtle in expressing your opinion :wink:

Do you mean all scientists are parasites? Or only the ones whose findings disagree with your views? What about privately funded scientists, eg. the ones you pay when you buy a gallon of gas?

Or maybe you feel that everyone on the public payroll is a parasite? Scientists, politicians, soldiers, etc.

Ric Golding said:
What would make it "evolution"? A natural occurance? Is it unnatural for something to be invented by intelligent beings that were given the ability to reason? I think the results fall under sh!t happens. ;-)
I agree about evolution. We are a part of nature and we thrive by using our intelligence to deal with our environment, eg. inventing spears to make up for our lack of claws, etc.

But we’re not really using our intelligence if we knowingly use an invention that is harmful to our environment. We are a part of that environment and harm to it may be harm to us. If we start a process that ends up in our own extinction, that would also be evolution, but it would not be very intelligent.

Kevin Morris said:
Ric Golding said:

You said - "Scientific American is a highly reputable journal–the articles are peer reviewed and well documented. It’s not the “lunatic fringe” by any means. "

Does that mean it is one set of parasites assisiting/supporting another set of parasites to steal more tax dollars through grants to support unfounded bull hokey about totally usless crap that nobody would care about if it wasn’t for the ability to get more tax funded grant money to study more crap? We live daily with “peer reviewed” missinformation used to fund useless programs. Using your signature - skeptical but resigned.

My only thoughts to this type of stuff is “go get a real job”.

I’m not quite sure what you mean here. You were a bit subtle in expressing your opinion :wink:

Do you mean all scientists are parasites? Or only the ones whose findings disagree with your views? What about privately funded scientists, eg. the ones you pay when you buy a gallon of gas?

Or maybe you feel that everyone on the public payroll is a parasite? Scientists, politicians, soldiers, etc.

Not to speak for Ric here, but the key words are “tax dollars to fund grants” and “totally useless crap”!

As for parasites, most politicians and bureaucrats would fall under that category.

Kevin Morris said:
Ric Golding said:
What would make it "evolution"? A natural occurance? Is it unnatural for something to be invented by intelligent beings that were given the ability to reason? I think the results fall under sh!t happens. ;-)
I agree about evolution. We are a part of nature and we thrive by using our intelligence to deal with our environment, eg. inventing spears to make up for our lack of claws, etc.

But we’re not really using our intelligence if we knowingly use an invention that is harmful to our environment. We are a part of that environment and harm to it may be harm to us. If we start a process that ends up in our own extinction, that would also be evolution, but it would not be very intelligent.

Guess that pretty much eliminates just about every invention acording to the tree huggers and greenies…:wink:

A big stink about nothing.
I see dead dogs, cats and any other animal you can possibly think of dead on the road numerous times every day. Do we make a big stink about cars and trucks?
I would guess airplanes probably kill more birds than windmills. Maybe we should ban them also.
Bats have more to fear from our destruction of their habitat than they do from windmills.

They have the answer to the problem. They can make the windmills shorter. They can locate them away from bats.


You asked - “Do you mean all scientists are parasites? Or only the ones whose findings disagree with your views? What about privately funded scientists, eg. the ones you pay when you buy a gallon of gas?
Or maybe you feel that everyone on the public payroll is a parasite? Scientists, politicians, soldiers, etc.”

Yes, I do feel most of the people on the public payroll are parasites, if they have never served in the military protecting this Country of ours.

I do not feel privately funded scientists and scientists working in the private sector are parasites. If they are going for Federal grants, they are pushing the edge.

Politicians most of them, how could that be questioned? Dishonest, pure scum of the earth. We seem to choose the ones that we hope will do the least harm, not the most qualified for the job.

A soldier, never. They have earned the right to enjoy the rewards from their sacrifices. The military and their families have my utmost respect and forever my support and greatfulness for their sacrifices. Veterans should have the jobs in Government that are given to some perverted politician’s friends. Veterans should also be teaching in our public schools and shown the respect they deserve. Soldiers put their lives on the line, so the scum (insert whatever group you think I’m referring to) could steal jobs from them and the families of soldiers that have risked it all, so others have the freedom to treat them poorly.

Added after thought -

I’m sorry, maybe I’m a little strong in my opinions here. But this really hits a nerve. Of course, any of you have the freedom and absolute right to disagree. That is what the soldier has put his life on the line for.

How about cops and firemen? Are they ok?

Ok if they served in the military, but not if they didn’t?

Certainly a personal opinion, but I believe you will find a much stronger and better trained fireman or policeman that has had a military background, than those that don’t. I have worked with many of both professions and you can see the military training even in the way they carry themselves or handle a tedious situation. Its just there, not a word has to be spoken. I think you will find many Reserve and National Guard units that are made up of people that also hold a career with a fire or police department.

We think nothing of the 8 years of education required for a legal or medical degree, but do not consider the years a young man or woman spends in the military as part of their education, as they pursue degrees in law enforcement or the teaching profession.

Whether liberal or conservative, a person that has served their Country has a more balanced look at what this is all about. My opinion, you are certainly welcome to yours.

How about a civilian worker for the department of defense? He gets a govt. paycheck, he work for the army, but he was never in the army. Parasite?

How about this–two scientists, both working side by side on a federally funded study of soil erosion in the gulf of Mexico. One is a veteran, the other isn’t. Is one a parasite, but not the other?

We have a friend who is works for the Department of Justice, prosecuting cases of criminality among illegal immigrants. She specializes in finding and prosecuting guys who are criminals in Mexico, and then come here to escape prosecution. Is she a parasite? She was never in the military, AND she’s a bureaucrat. But yet she does her job with passion, intelligence and tenacity, and she loves her country, and though she could make WAY more in the private sector, she stays at the DOJ because she likes serving her country. Parasite?

Service in the military may indeed be excellent preparation for many jobs. I’ve got zero argument with that. But that’s not what you said. You said that anyone drawing a federal paycheck was a parasite, unless they had served in the military.


Yes to every person that didn’t serve in some capacity. Those jobs should go to Veterans. Do you really think a soldier trusts his butt to some idiot that never served? Under affirmative action they may have to be tolerated, but hardly trusted. Tolerate is a word, but trust is a far bigger word. Ask your DOJ, if she regrets that she never served and I bet she will say Yes. However, a person serving the Department of Justice does serve this Country, but I feel they would have done a better job with military training.

If she says, NO, boom there is your parasite sucking the blood out of this Country. Now, you may say my wife is a parasite because I served and she didn’t. Wrong, if a spouse or son or daughter are in harms way, the whole family has given. Many times it is the one not in the thick of things or deployed to strange places that is sacrificing the most. As a Father of a Marine, it was far harder to be at home wondering what was going on, than it was during the time I was in uniform.

Just my opinion, I’m sure you may have a different one. Isn’t that what our current education system teaches?

Ok, so I’m just getting this clear–everyone who draws a fed paycheck should be a veteran, and if they don’t they are parasites? UNLESS they are married to or children of people who served in the military–those people are not parasites?

You’re claiming that anyone who draws a federal paycheck but has not served in the military or been a family member of a veteran is a parasite? And should give up that job so a veteran can take it?

So being a veteran entitles you to a federal job, and not being a veteran disqualifies you?

Would there be a difference if the family member was drafted, as opposed to enlisted? Would someone who served longer be more entitled than someone who did one term and out?

How about if a veteran is unmarried–can his closest blood relations have a job, and not count as parasites? Brothers and sisters? How about his mother and father? What if the parents were divorced and Dad was a lousy and inattentive parent, but a great engineer–would it just be the fact of biological relations, or would you establish some kind of test to determine how much each person had suffered relative to their son’s service?

Do you really want to propose that the federal government hire on the basis of family relations?

Candidate A: highly qualified, excellent record, no military experience
Candidate B: Reasonably qualified, ok record, father served three years as a supply clerk in Oklahoma from 77-80–she gets the job?

As a taxpayer, I can’t support that–I want the very best person for the job, regardless of whether or not they served in the militaryor married sme guy that did.

If a woman gets a federal job because her husband is a vet, and they get a divorce, would she have to be fired?

We are all entitled to our opinions, no matter how silly they are.

I should add if it were up to me, I’d happily establish some form of compulsory national service, for all kids 18-22. But it couldn’t be the armed forces–the officers I talk to say they absolutely do not want a draft or any form of compulsory military service

Ric Golding said:

Yes to every person that didn’t serve in some capacity. Those jobs should go to Veterans. Do you really think a soldier trusts his butt to some idiot that never served? Under affirmative action they may have to be tolerated, but hardly trusted. Tolerate is a word, but trust is a far bigger word. Ask your DOJ, if she regrets that she never served and I bet she will say Yes. However, a person serving the Department of Justice does serve this Country, but I feel they would have done a better job with military training.

If she says, NO, boom there is your parasite sucking the blood out of this Country. Now, you may say my wife is a parasite because I served and she didn’t. Wrong, if a spouse or son or daughter are in harms way, the whole family has given. Many times it is the one not in the thick of things or deployed to strange places that is sacrificing the most. As a Father of a Marine, it was far harder to be at home wondering what was going on, than it was during the time I was in uniform.

Just my opinion, I’m sure you may have a different one. Isn’t that what our current education system teaches?

So your line of reasoning is that anyone who has served in the military is superior to those that haven’t? Is this the “balanced” thinking taught in the military?
I actually support 2 years of mandatory “service” by our young people. As long as the “rich” and “powerful” don’t get a free pass. Your opinion has me rethinking that position.

Apparently having served in the military, in any capacity, gives you special super powers that fortunately you try to use only for good!

That is right, mike. Deal with it. :slight_smile:

Mike and Ralph,

I don’t think I ever used the word Superior. Is my thinking any different than a black man voting for a black man because he is black or a woman voting for a woman because they are a woman. i believe I am part of the largest minority in the USA and feel we should be fighting for our rights like every other group. My opinion is purely based on 60 years of living and observing. I think I should be able to have as much of an opinion as anyone else. I’ve not even asked nor demanded that you agree with me. But you should know that I exist. I may not protest or scream and yell, but I vote every time and I sure appreciate it when the other groups stay home. And yes, I believe a plumber, an electrician and garbage man are far more important to our society than another liberal teacher, lawyer or politician.

No, you just used the word “parasite” to describe people who worked for the government but never served in the armed forces.

I never used the word superior, or said anything to denigrate veterans.

I’m not sure what you mean by “the largest minority in the US”. Do you mean the smallest minority, or the group that comes closest to being a minority without being one? Are you suggesting veterans are the largest minority in the US?

I think plumbers and electricians and garbage men are more important then me too! But wait, if the liberal teacher or the lawyer is a veteran, and the electricians isn’t…

Ric Golding said:
And yes, I believe a plumber, an electrician and garbage man are far more important to our society than another liberal teacher, lawyer or politician.
Ah, no thanks. Without teachers you'd have a Kmer Rouge type workers utopia.

Why does teaching seem to attract those with a liberal bent? Maybe because everybody else realises that you can make FAR more in the private sector, and you get jack sh-t as far as respect from most of the kids AND their parents – It takes somebody idealistic enough to actually BELIEVE it will somehow be different for them and/or that they can make a difference.

Based upon solely actual contribution to society, teachers should be paid as much as crybaby ballplayers and vice versa.


H*ll must have frozen over. You and I actually agree on something! :lol:

Well said.

By largest minority, I meant white, christian males. I think Hussein called us angry white folk, clinging to guns and Bibles.

You guys take a “Parasite” as a bad term. It’s just a definition. Something living off the blood, work and sacrifice of a life giving body. To me, that is the Veteran.

Why does teaching attract liberals? How about because it is a way to force feed socialistic Marxists
ideas, that must be endured, to eventually achieve freedom from government mandated captivity by an unwilling group of young people. Before World War II, people started training for a profession at 14 or 15 through apprentiseships. Now apprenticeships don’t start until 18 or 22, after students learn the “Arts” or “French” or some other useless fodor.

Other than to employee more teachers, why is a 1953 public high school education worth as much as a current BS degree? And please note, I said “liberal” teachers. When I look back, the teachers in my education that were worth their salt were prior military. The others were druggies, hippies or draft dodgers, but I guess I’m repeating myself by listing 3 categories.