Bob McCown said:… What, as an online site, can we do to fill the niche that GR had? I’m really not in a financial position to pay for articles, since I’m already operating LSC at break-even (possible solutions for that are another thread)
wrong question.
paper magazines are a thing of the past. they fold, because their niche does not exist any longer.
i had nearly a dozen of subscriptions - of different areas of interest - BEFORE the internet. now none. but i get much more info that is relevant (to me)
the question should be:what to do, not to become extinct too.
where we, untill about a generation ago, had the problem to find relevant information, now we got the problem to find the relevant needle in the info-haystack.
and i doubt, that many would be willing to go back.
so, the right question would be: “what do we do, not to become obsolete?”
(my) answers:
1 - make the forum “idiot-proof” simple for the user.
2 - make it accessible for as many platforms and softwares possible.
3 - more specific: accept all pics of any size, format and source imaginable.
4 - make the financial ends meet.
to 1- as people are less and less patient and educated (and willing to learn new tricks) use buttons instead of descriptions.
(example: to search this forum, using google, make a button “search forum with google”)
choose some robust and add-on friendly software. then find some friends (Jim?( ) who help you write add-ons as you need them for this forum.
to 2 - the “thumbwriters”, using a cigarette-pack sized gimmick and the guys like me, who need/want at least a square foot of screen, have all to be (tecnically) welcome.
to 3 - the "ouch"point… the forum could use two buttons up front (“freightshed pics” and “outside pics”)
further it should resize each and every pic that is bigger then …? (i sugest 800 width) when it goes on the threads. (even if it’s bigger in the freightshed) (that should include pics of dead poultry! (could not resist this thought))
eliminate these thumbnail miniature pics.
and don’t make the same mistake as GSC. they don’t accept the old http pics, only https. either your users with private-rented space stop posting, or they “actualize” their space and you (and other forums) loose their pics in the old threads.
(same rules for videos)
to 4 - all the above said boils down to one thing: money.
keep the forum free!! no paywall or similar. people hate to pay. so, if you must make them pay, let them pay as seldom as possible.
if you make us pay ten cent per day, that will anger us more than make us pay 50$ once a year.
introduce ads. who doe not want to see the ads can pay X dollars for that privilege.
raise the freightshed rent. 35$, 55$ and 100$
raise sponsorship from 75 to 99.80$ (that’s only 0.27 $ daily! but not paid daily)
edit: ps: you could (if you want to torture yourself) include a weekly or monthly online magazine (without direct answering possibility). we could write something, submit it to you…
…and then argue with you, why you didn’t include it.
another edit: pps.: personly i beleive, that my building threads AND my building projects got better through comments, banter, questions and suggestions by the other guys.