So I am still determined to find another copy of the photo I had that was a full front on view of this building. No such luck. But I decided to give an Ebay search a try. While I didn’t get what I was after, there were two post cards that clearly show it. Angles I have not yet seen.
Nothing really that I hadn’t already known or surmised about the building. Certainly no new revelations. But is nice to see new views of it.
On another note, the structure across the street from it is the OR&N (U.P.) depot. Both U.P. and N.P. ran trains into Burke. As there was no room for both rights of way in a rare collaboration N.P. agreed to a lease to allow U.P. to run on N.P. trackage in at least Burke if not the entire Canyon Creek valley. Since my semi fictitious RR didn’t have any depots I figure on modeling this one. The N.P. depot is just a plan boring box. Another reason to model this is Dick Whitney, for those of you who knew of him , had a not so small fascination (obsession) with these U.P. depots. I don’t know if this was a nationwide thing but many of their rural depots at least in my next of the woods were built exactly the same as this one. He had researched them pretty extensively and even had the opportunity to physically measure one that had been turned into a house. Shortly before his passing he and I were planning a trip to go examine another one that had been turned into a house. Unfortunately his health turned and he passed away before we could finish his work. While this maybe a somewhat cheesy thing, I was very very honored when his wife called me up and asked me to come by. She gave me almost all of Dick’s modeling stuff, some of which you have seen as I have used various pieces of it in some of my stuff. But one of the most special things she gave me was all of his research on these depots. She did so with no expectations of me completing the work but knew out of any of Dick’s friends I would perhaps cherish it as much as anyone could. Well I have several times cracked open the notebook and looked through this stuff. Now I have the incentive to use that stuff and make a model of this depot.