Bruce Chandler said:
Bruce Chandler said:
Very nice looking. You’re making it come alive!
It’s great that the workers know exactly where to place the “ROAD” (
I’m not sure what the “original” color was…but here’s a shot of the triple combine undergoing restoration in the Spencer Shops…
I suspect that the keys is to have a large number of paint samples; most of which should backup your authoritative statements as to the actual color based on “expert” witnesses. There doesn’t appear to be any color pictures of it from back in the day so it’s probably time to just make stuff up!(
Looks real close to the Rookwood greens from Sherwin Williams (which are still the same color mixes used from the turn of the century) however not available in a rattle can. I used #2812 for the trim color on my home and its a bit bolder than the palette pic. But I would put my money on #2810 in an oil base semi gloss as the body color of the car.