Forrest Scott Wood said:
Pete Thornton said:
Does either of you have a drawing of the prototype? I’m just wondering if it really is 1:22.5 scale - the wheels look very close together under that body. It looks as if it should be running on gauge-3 (2.5") track.
They kind of looked that way on the studio model too, at least to me.
Though I don’t much watch TV and movies I did watch a few episodes of TTE back in the day when they used actual models on a studio set.
As far as scale, how does one with any certainty determine the scale of a model of an animated studio prop model?
Well, I know it is “Thomas” scale, but often the size turns out to be pretty close to a normal scale, like 1:22.5. If they too ktoo many liberties with the dimensions, you’d end up with a loco that’s too short, too tall, or whatever.
I’ll settle for someone telling me how long the prototype was.
P.S. Thanks for the links - now I know why Bachmann produced green coaches for Emily! I think I’ll settle for converting some IP Engineering coaches to something more like a GNR coach.