Craig: my process is just a simple “Rolling Mill” with two machined dies, male and female. If you had access to a lathe, and a milling machine, you could make your own.
I use annealed alum. Stock. I have not been able to get the soda cans to “crimp” properly, even after annealing to 1600 deg. Something about the crystallized structure induced in the can forming process ( as my metallurgist friend says).
The rolling mill, creates all ridges and valleys at the same time. Stretching and forming the sheet. The crimper method, just folds the sheet, one crease at a time, not putting any stretching or compression to the metal.
The big difference is the crimpers, don’t give a prototypical size to the ridges and valleys spacing. I think that they scale out to something like 1:15. Almost twice the size for a 1:29 layout.