Large Scale Central

Switiching Game

Greg Elmassian said:

Rooster, the harder you try, the more you fail. Like I said, go back to the humorous stuff, it was more successful.


Thought it was humorous because someone is not abiding by the laws they created?


I’ve started a new thread on construction of a portable switching puzzle, i.e. the John Allen “TimeSaver”.

Adding more posts to this thread just encourages more @$@$%$% behavior.



Why do we have to antagonize each other?


Kind of got off on a tangent…“SQUIRREL!!”

David Maynard said:


Why do we have to antagonize each other?


For some people they think it’s fun, not realizing they’re driving off site traffic with their childish games.

To say I’m sick of it is a giant understatement.

Ric Golding said:

Greg Elmassian said:

I missed this one Ric… there were two of them originally, note the single switch to nowhere at the top center? that connected to it’s mate.

You can find pictures of John operating one of them and the other is connected.ry

check this page, and at least one of the links on it, there’s history



Thanks for pointing me back to this site. I’ve been here many times, but just overlooked the part about the original puzzle. Very interesting and I’ve gone back and reread all of it. Its still a great puzzle, subject and a bit of model railroad history.

Maybe reread it again Ric and hopefully Richard found the answer to his original post.

Yes thank you for your apparent concern Rooster.

Except for a few people, by re-reading the entire 3 pages, you can easily see that the thread is all constructive and helpful posts from people. Also John P. was nice enough to post the 1972 MR article by John on another thread.
