I WAS going to use tamper-proof torx, haha! But after weighing the likelihood of you or some equally-prepared vandal showing up, against the likelihood of the special driver getting mislaid (it IS a desert area), I went half-way… just plain torx, and yeah it can be defeated with a hex key… So I’ll chalk it up to a cheap souvenir and leave a half box of spare screws.
I’ve been working on final assembly of everything, and got thru screwing all the console parts together and assembling the main 3 walls of the cover. I’m VERY relieved to have all that polycarb fitted and up.
Lots to do tomorrow, and I’ll post pics. Includes ceiling install, removable rear panel assembly & install, and inserting the model and hooking it up.
I lost a bunch of sleep over all this last night, so I decided that as I’m assembling and adjusting things this weekend, let’s make this a dress-rehearsal (Hawaiian shirt and all!) for the final-final assembly in NV. Writing down tools & supplies needed, sequence and other notes, etc. And I feel a LOT better now!!
Them are Rooster’s corner clips, he blasted the chrome off em and I had them powder coated. There’s nowhere you get get these on planet Earth!
The polycarb panels are notched to let these fittings insert a bit, so that the sheets come flush (to reduce dust on the model).