Large Scale Central

Stress Mangement that really works


That one is really good!

You know I once wrote a complete modern fairy tale (in 4 installments) on one Newsgroup to get rid of some trolls (2 in that instance). The situation was similar, they frequented several of the Newsgroups and worked more or less in tandem. Word got out to the other Newsgroups regarding this “nice” fairy tale and they copied it after asking me first. Welllllllll then, the trolls got really tired of being the butt of the joke and in short order found other Newsgroup climes more to their liking.
Proof that there’s nothing that a good dose of humour, mixed with a generous helping of sarcasm and spiced with creativity won’t fix. :wink: :slight_smile: :wink:

We needed an update on this thread…I don’t know why, but it could be that Deryck; the Archiebishop of Winchester hasn"t replied…

If you give him a minute, Marvin will steal that identity and be right here posting.