Large Scale Central

Steve Featherkyle has passed away

Prayers to family. You will be missed Steve…

Sad news, he will be missed.

Holy Cow! GOD rest his sole. My Sympathy to his family. I’ll miss his banter, Steve was a good guy!

I was shocked to wake up to this news this morning!

May his soul rest in peace. Condolences to his family. (

Steve was one of the good guys, he will be missed.

Korm Kormsen said:

heart attack, coma, the end.

although it must have been a shocking surprise for his family, a clean, quick death is the best, one can hope for.

i’ll remember him for some good advices and commentaries received from him.


You are more spot on than you may know. With what limited information I have he probably barely even felt it. And he and his entire family are believers so their is hope that this is a new beginning not the end. While the pain is real this IS the best possible way to go.

Sorry to hear this, Steve was indeed a well liked character. Smooth rails Steve. My condolences to family and friends.


Oh damn. Steve was a great guy, I will miss him. Condolences to his family.

My deep condolences, thats really sad news.

I have passed onto the family your wishes, prayers, and condolences. I let them know just how much Steve has touched our little community. Thank you guys. Its hitting me hard today I think its finally sunk in for me. What started out as a train friendship grew over these last several years to where I consider Steve to be one of my very best friends. We had so much more than just trains in common. As a Navy doc, one who served with us jar heads, I automatically sort of had to love him. A combat marine comes to appreciate “doc”. When we are all whining sitting taking a break and whinning about our blisters, doc is walking the line giving out motrin like its candy and making you change your socks.

We of course talked trains and even took a train road trip together. Through my health issues Doc was there. Many of you may not know this but after leaving the military Steve went on to become a Physicians Assistant to finish out his professional life. Doc was always there to help me work through my health, help me ask questions I didn’t know I needed to ask, and just generally advocate for me. He was a good brother in Christ. We shared a passion for the outdoors, Boy Scouts both as a scout and a leader, shooting, and many other things that we either shared or at least talked about together.

He was as solid a man as anyone could ask for.

My goodness and totally unexpected to here of Steve’s passing away!

You had to like Steve, and I echo what Michael Kirrene stated.

Condolences and prayers to his survivors and many friends.

I will miss you Steve,


From one former sailor to another, “Fair winds and following seas!” May we meet in person at last on the far shore at Fiddlers Green! More personally, many thanks to Steve for his part in moving me from running trains to modeling a railroad, fostering a building passion, and welcoming me and the family to this community.

Aloha 'oe,



Darn… He was a very interesting guy and going to miss him on here.

RIP Steve.

Like Korm said. Least it was a clean, quick death is the best,

Oh crud! This is such a shock. Very sad news indeed. Seems like this year just keeps throwing stuff at us.

My condolences to his family and friends.

Devon… So sorry to hear that… Thanks for letting us know. Please relay condolences to the family.

He will be missed, but there is comfort in knowing that he was a Brother in Christ. Praying for the family.

My condolences to all.

Otherwise I am speechless.

WOW…This sucks… Besides being an all-around good guy… we chatted, on several occasions about learning to play the pipes, as I still struggled along, he kept the encouragement comming…

Ill miss you guy…

And on top of all that, this really strikes close to home… been there, done that, and i’m so lucky that i’m getting back to my life…

Dave T.

This is sad news . I also sadly only knew him from this forum but I always looked forward to his comments and articles he posted here. R.I.P. Steve .

Very sad to hear about this. Condolences to Steve’s family.