Large Scale Central

Steam Train strikes truck in Essex, Ct

No, that’s why Lynch Laws are still on the books.

Anybody who cuts in front of a train needs to be locked away.

I know a BunSniff engineer, approaching a dirt private crossing (no whistles allowed…bothers the residents) at about 0730 one morning, track speed (45), with about 4 SD-40’s on the point.
A Blazer is paralleling him on this dirt road approaching the crossing.
On a hunch, he holds the horn down.

Now, this Blazer is what, 25-50 feet from 4 SD-40’s doing 45mph with the horn tied down…and the lady turns right in front of him.
The coupler killed her instantly.

The husband and kids witnessed it from 2 blocks away.

The State Patrol officer comes up in the cab and reads him his rights to arrest him for manslaughter.

He calls the dispatcher, who contacts State Patrol, who calls the kid’s Sergeant, who high-tails it to the scene, and the last anybody saw of the kid the Sergeant was beating him about the head and shoulders with his hat.

Lawyers tried everything, including speed tapes, and this guy had not gone 1/2 a MPH over any posted speed the entire run.

Locally (I helped get the car out of the place it was, wedged between rails), kindergarten teacher runs the stop sign in front of the Geep 9 pulling the dinner train, horn, bell, ditch lights, 10MPH, shoved her 300 feet down the rails.
She sued.
And freaking won.

Lynch Laws.

You’ve not seen the videos we see over here of trucks crossing in front of trains and getting nailed, have you?

Dave ,
We see plenty of videos of vehicles of all types seemingly thinking that they are invincible ,especially in the face of trains . Not only in the States , but anywhere where vehicles run . We do have trains here , and they do occasionally smite vehicles a mighty blow ,thus proving the invincibility of trains .And therein lies the root of the problem .
When trains were given the right of way , the fastest thing around to compete was the Horse Drawn Coach , or Carts …No doubt some imbeciles driving them took on trains , crossing traffic on the same level will have that risk . In the UK this was recognised early on and bridges were the preferred option . Indeed , bridges outnumber level crossings by a vast amount (not counting accomodation crossings) so we have , mile for mile , far less crossing accidents in the UK than in the USA But we do have them . Many are the films available of impatient drivers weaving round barriers and just getting away with it --not when the camera data is processed of course , they get severely nobbled . The problem in a nutshell is the train operators lag behind the times . They will not even consider improving crossins if it costs them money .
Let’s just give you an example , very similar to that of the train v. truck .
My son was driving an 18 wheeler along a motorway–a very fast road equivalent to your freeways – and a car shot out of the joining lane in front of the truck , which being forced to brake hard , jacknifed and blocked the motorway . The errant car driver was away up the road and got away . Me laddo , meantime , is beset by motorists claiming “the mad bugger overtook me back there doing over 70” .When the police examined his tachograph , it showed that his speed had not exceeded 56 mph , that being the limit for trucks , and his company put governors in the trucks limiting them to this speed . At the commencement of his emergency braking , his tacho showed 48 mph . He was still warned of driving without due care and attention . Why ?
Because someone , in this day and age , has to be to blame . And the truckdriver is paid for it . Isn’t he ?
My brother had a Mini try to drive UNDER his trailer whilst he was crossing a street under the direction of the police . He also got a caution . Justice ?
If everyone has a preconceived idea of what justice is , it ain’t justice , is it ?
And if the whole truth does not come out , accidents will continue to happen .
The crossing in question has a near sure cure to the problem . I will leave you to work out what it is .
Meantime , that trucker is innocent until proven guilty . PROVEN . Not obviously because all truckers are idiots–which is what started this off , remember ?

LITTLE bit different than IGNORING how many posted signs AND a blaring whistle and lights?

The principle is the same .
The man is not PROVEN guilty .
Quote as many for examples as you wish , it will not change the fact that we , in the civilised world , do not presume guilt ,we prove it . We do not muddy the waters with “facts” . We examine the circumstances to see if there are mitigating factors as well as the invective directed at the accused .
Simple .
NOT GUILTY ,wait for the evidence in court .

I see.

Okay, now, if someone who looks like an ay-rab carrying a briefcase that’s ticking and mumbling something about geee-haaaaad walks up to the same gate at the airport you are waiting at…

We’ve seen the same stuff when someone tries to break down a cockpit door at 30,000 feet and passengers subdue the bastard, and his lawyer sues.

Pope Gregory said it…“Kill them all, let God sort it out”

A bit behind the times there . We now have “home grown” terrorists , idiots who have converted to unholy to get attention , usually middle class , spite the parents and so forth . Even they get a trial before being patted on the head by the wishy washies and told not to do it again .
The breakdown of law and order begins with little chinks in the armour . Don’t widen them .

The breakdown in law and order occurs whenever lawyers get involved!


Andre ,
True . I got stitched up by a pair of them on opposing sides .It took five years to settle my personal injury claim . I sued for interest on the money and they settled out of court . One of them made the mistake of letting me hear that the company were totally at fault and the other didn’t think I could hear him agreeing with his oppo that 5 years and 28000 quid costs would be about right for him . I patiently waited out the 5 years and gottem .
The second time , an insurance company tried the same , this time it went to court , but didn’t get through the door , 'cos they chickened out at the last second . It cost them a punitive 8800 quid in lost interest . For a twelve month delay in payment . Oh , that was tax paid . They expected me to settle earlier in case I lost . Hah!
So , the moral is , use the law properly and you will be much better off .

Andre Schofield said:
The breakdown in law and order occurs whenever lawyers get involved!


Lawyers AND liberals!!

Case in point…

To ensure we Americans never offend anyone – particularly
fanatics intent on killing us – law enforcement and security
screeners are not allowed to “profile” people in public places or
security checkpoints. However, they will continue to perform
random searches of 80-year-old women, little kids, airline pilots
with proper identification, Secret Service agents who are members
of the President’s security detail, 85-year-old congressmen with
metal hips and even Medal of Honor recipients. But targeting
Middle Eastern male Islamists between the ages 17 and 40
constitutes “ethnic profiling.”

Let’s pause a moment and review…

In 1968 Bobby Kennedy was shot and killed by: (a) A salesman from
Utah (b) An construction worker © A college student on Spring
Break (d) Middle Eastern Islamist males between the ages of 17
and 40.

In 1972, 11 Israeli athletes were killed at the Munich Olympics
by: (a) Your grandmother (b) A Midwest auto-parts dealer © A
mom and her 6-year-old son visiting from Indiana (d) Middle
Eastern Islamist males between the ages of 17 and 40.

In 1979, the U.S. embassy in Iran was taken over by: (a) A
bluegrass band (b) Dallas Cowboy fans © A tour group of
80-year-old women (d) Middle Eastern Islamist males between the
ages of 17 and 40.

During the 1980’s numerous Americans were kidnapped in Lebanon
by: (a) A family on their way to Disney World (b) Jesse Ventura
© A Boy Scout Troop (d) Middle Eastern Islamist males between
the ages of 17 and 40.

In 1983, the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut was blown up by: (a)
A pizza delivery boy (b) The UPS guy © Geraldo Rivera making up
for a slow news day (d) Middle Eastern Islamist males between the
ages of 17 and 40.

In 1985 the cruise ship Achille Lauro was hijacked, and a
70-year-old disabled American passenger was murdered and thrown
overboard by: (a) A girls’ choir (b) A hardware store owner © A
secretary (d) Middle Eastern Islamist males between the ages of
17 and 40.

In 1985 TWA flight 847 was hijacked at Athens, and a U.S. Navy
diver was murdered by: (a) A Marine officer with two weeks leave
(b) A plumber going to visit his mom © A Catholic nun (d)
Middle Eastern Islamist males between the ages of 17 and 40.

In 1988, Pan Am Flight 103 was bombed by: (a) A college-bound
freshman (b) A cardiac surgeon on his way to Houston © A
waitress (d) Middle Eastern Islamist males between the ages of 17
and 40.

In 1993, the World Trade Center was bombed by: (a) A starving
actress (b) A mom with a newborn © Twin six-year-old boys (d)
Middle Eastern Islamist males between the ages of 17 and 40.

In 1995, a plot to blow up U.S.-bound international flights over
the Pacific was attempted by (a) Hawaiian school kids (b) An
decorated Vietnam Veteran © Twin sisters on their way to
Paducah (d) Middle Eastern Islamist males between the ages of 17
and 40.

In 1998, the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were bombed by:
(a) A local TV weatherman (b) A dad and his two sons on a ski
trip © A widower going to visit his grandchildren (d) Middle
Eastern Islamist males between the ages of 17 and 40.

In 2000, 17 sailors died in an attack on the USS Cole (DDG 67) in
Yemen by: (a) A child in a stroller (b) A high school class on
their way to visit Washington, DC © Newlyweds on their way to
Miami (d) Middle Eastern Islamist males between the ages of 17
and 40.

On 9/11/01, four airliners were hijacked – two flown into the
World Trade Centers, one into the Pentagon and one into the
ground in rural Pennsylvania. They were hijacked by: (a) A
retired police officer on a mission trip to Haiti (b) A
firefighter going to Maryland for training © An paramedic on
his way to vacation in Hawaii (d) Middle Eastern Islamist males
between the ages of 17 and 40.

In 2002 the United States liberated Afghanistan from: (a) USAID
relief workers (b) Jewish Pilgrims © Christian missionaries (d)
Middle Eastern Islamist males between the ages of 17 and 40.

In 2002 reporter Daniel Pearl and other Westerners were kidnapped
and beheaded by: (a) The Peace Corp (b) Scottish clansmen ©
Cuban refugees (d) Middle Eastern Islamist males between the ages
of 17 and 40.

In 2002, more than 330 hostages in Beslan and 130 hostages in
Moscow were murdered in sieges by: (a) Russian exchange students
(b) The Red Guard © Church planters (d) Middle Eastern Islamist
males between the ages of 17 and 40.

In 2003 the United States liberated Iraq from “The Butcher of
Baghdad,” but most American military personnel were killed by:
(a) Iraqi school-girls (b) Street vegetable venders © Women
without burkas (d) Middle Eastern Islamist males between the ages
of 17 and 40.

In 2004, more than 200 Spanish civilians were murdered on trains
by bombs in Madrid, detonated by: (a) Morning commuters (b) A
three-year-old Chinese girl © Flamenco dancers (d) Middle
Eastern Islamist males between the ages of 17 and 40.

In 2005 more than 50 UK citizens were killed by bombs on trains
in London, detonated by: (a) Rail workers (b) Those unable to
hail taxis © Wheelchair-bound grandmothers (d) Middle Eastern
Islamist males between the ages of 17 and 40.

In 2005, there were hundreds of casualties, men, women and
children, killed by bombs in Jerusalem, Riyadh and Amman. These
innocent civilians were murdered by: (a) Construction workers (b)
Farmers © Christian missionaries (d) Middle Eastern Islamist
males between the ages of 17 and 40.

In 2005, the city of Paris, and other European cities experienced
an extended period of riots and destruction. The unrest was led
by: (a) “Youth” (b) Soccer fans © Catholic nuns (d) Middle
Eastern Islamist males between the ages of 17 and 40.

Since the beginning of Operation Iraqi Freedom, more than 2,500
Americans have been murdered by terrorists. 35,000 Iraqi men,
women and children have also been murdered by terrorists. Most of
the combat and civilians casualties were the result of bombs
detonated in civilian population centers by: (a) Fruit vendors in
Baghdad (b) Disgruntled transit union workers © Iraqi
schoolteachers (d) Middle Eastern Islamist males between the ages
of 17 and 40.

In 2006, hundreds of Israeli civilians have been killed by
rockets launched by: (a) the Salvation Army (b) remnants of the
‘Jackson Five’ © the cast of ‘Friends’ (d) Middle Eastern
Islamist males between the ages of 17 and 40.

In 2006, a plot to blow up 10 U.S.-bound planes from the U.K. was
attempted by (a) members of the royal family (b) Japanese
tourists © groupies of the band ‘Cream’ (d) Middle Eastern
Islamist males between the ages of 17 and 40.

Since 2001, the FBI reports that there are major terrorist cells
still in U.S. urban centers. Several of these cells have been
uncovered and cell members arrested. In every case, the
terrorists cell members were: (a) Southern Baptists
Conventioneers (b) Lutheran Youth Groups © Presbyterian Elders
(d) Middle Eastern Islamist males between the ages of 17 and 40.

President George Bush said this week, “America is at war with
Islamic fascists who will use any means to destroy those of us
who love freedom, to hurt our nation.” The Council on
American-Islamic Relations issued an immediate objection to the
President’s reference to “Islamic fascists”. Nihad Awad,
executive director of CAIR protested, “We have to isolate these
individuals because there is nothing in the Koran or the Islamic
faith that encourages people to be cruel or to be vicious or to
be criminal. Muslims world wide know that for sure.” In light of
this objection, we are left to ponder why every Islamic leader in
the U.S., and the world, does not publicly condemn every terror
action being undertaken in the name of the god of Islam. Their
silence is deafening…

Between 1970 and present, there were more than 60 other notable
examples of terrorism perpetrated by Middle Eastern male
Islamists between the ages 17 and 40, but we think you get the
point. Singling out “Middle Eastern male Islamists between the
ages 17 and 40” is not “ethnic profiling,” it’s “terrorist
profiling” – acting on prolific evidence.

Anyone for Terrorist Profiling?

Semper Vigilo, Paratus, et Fidelis! Mark Alexander
Publisher, The Patriot

I’d have to agree with Pope Grregory’s assesment…

Of course , we in the UK are accustomed to all this .
We had people complaining that the Irish were being “hounded” because anyone with an Irish accent became a suspect . Irish car registration plates were “targets” for the neo nazi police here .
Unfortunately ,one of our best allies in the world held collections for "Freedom fighters " around the Boston area . To buy sweets for the downtrodden impoverished children to make them strong enough to throw rocks and petrol bombs at Brit soldiers who are currently serving alongside other coalition forces in Iraq , Afghanistan , etc…
The law goes beyond keeping to the rules , there is also a lot of common decency to be added to make it work .
So we do not jail truck drivers on the chance they may , unlike thousands of car drivers , jump a red light It’s only trucks that do it , you see , and when it’s a steam train that they hit , well lynch the bugger .
All of the pro lynching movement always admit to the police being bastards for catching them speeding .Never their fault for having a heavy foot or an inflated vision of their importance .
How dare you stop me officer , do you know who I am ? (please add your choice in here)
Want some other mistreated minorities ?
Sailors , always getting drunk and smashing up bars Always sailors , never civilians .
Airmen , ditto .
Soldiers , ditto .
Anyone in uniform , ditto .
Especially in some town near a base . Military ? Guilty . Hang 'em
But they all expect a fair trial . When it affects them personally .

So your saying - the driver ofa de truck wasa terrorist intent ona killing ahundreds of Innocent steama train riders, No?

Case sol-ved.

Chief Inspector C.


Mike Morgan said:
Sinsa mya freanch ascent doesenta play toa good in writing, I'ma thinkin it looks more like Italian. Soa datsa why I signa from Rome.

But ze Frensh accsant is so sample , mon ami , remembaire , a man is innossont until he iss med guilty ----
ba a jjjoorie of douze bon hommes C’est evident in ze civilised contries . Alors .

You know I was always taught we are a country of laws. Lately it seems evident that we have become just a country of lawyers.

It’s getting to be the same here too . Sad really , putting all the lawyers out of work .
That train crash in Egypt , word has it that one of the engines swerved to miss a truck .

The guy in the first 30 seconds of this clip, I’m positive, is innocent until proven stupid, in a court of law :wink:

A couple more…

It’s not prejudicial to read the reports, and form an opinion that is based on the reports and on previous experience with such accidents, most of the time it ends up being driver error, not paying attention to the crossing gates, or the lights which typicly flash before the gates comedown. Call it prejudicial? OK, thats fine with me, I call it experienced opinion. We get accidents like this here at least once a month, 99% are due to driver disregard or outright contempt for crossing lights and gates. It just what it is…sheesh, they dont even bother to stop for the red lights here anymore! Light goes to red and 3 or 4 cars still race through…

You miss the point entirely .
And I am glad you showed the last example . The crossing had to be changed after this accident .
Nobody should argue with a train at a crossing , that is obvious .
Equally obvious , even to my tiny intellect , is that nobody , but nobody , is ever guilty of any crime until it is proven in a court of law . Flout that convention , and you are flouting civilised behaviour .Lynch Law Rules eh ? If we have a trial we can all see who is culpable . Including the idiot who put the crossing there the way it is .
Level crossings are a Railway Tradition which nobody questions . They are done for cheapness --to line the pockets of shareholders if you will . Gates cost money , you see .
When Aircraft came along , they didn’t allow many level crossings , did they ?
Now I wonder why that was ?
The high speed train routes being built in Europe have no level crossings , I wonder why ?

Incidentally , if you enjoy watching these things , try keying in crossing accidents on your search engine .

Those of you who wonder why I seem intractable in my pursuit of fair play should be aware that 17 years ago , I had an accident which resulted directly from a management decision to save money on something that didn’t show a profit . Safety .
I lost my job , am in constant pain , take tablets like there’s no tomorrow , can’t walk except with a pair of sticks or crutches on a really bad day ,and then only five yards or so . . My life expectancy has been reduced as a direct result .
The money saved by the company to put me in this position would not even have saved the price of a round of drinks for the two lawyers involved .
The manager responsible of course got promoted out of harm’s way .
Stick to the law . That is not a lot to ask .
You expect the truck drivers to do it , why don’t you ?
The law of common decency says fair unprejudiced trials are everyone’s right .

Mike sorry you have to deal with all that crap, I’m not trying to single out truck drivers, its across the spectrum bad drivers that are the problem for me, drivers who dont look changing lanes, sail thru red lights, yak on cellphones while driving, race each other at 120mph on city streets, and drivers who dont want to wait a couple minutes for a train to pass or even for a light to change. Guess I see it so often I forget that I might seam a little callous when I comment on it, its not callousness, it just frustration. I’ve noticed it even more since switching to a smaller car. Big SUVs and pickups drive with impunity cutting off other drivers or tailgating, so I end up with a certain disdain whenever I hear of drivers hit by trains going around gates, or crashing into streetpoles drag racing, or flying over a cliff while yaking on a cellphone on a mountain road (yes it has happened here) In future I’ll endevour to remember that not everyone see’s the world through my admitidly cynical eyes.

PS I dont enjoy watching clips like that, but they are often the only way to get people to open their eyes to how dangerous certain behavior can be and to always think about their actions while their behind the wheel.