Large Scale Central

Spring Puttering on the WV&K

The 2nd half of Tangent is installed, track is ready to be rehabbed, Gotta get the junk car moved before I get the Universal Industries Spur in service.

The Whole Branchline as it stands currently…


Is the plan for a loop or point to point?

Welp…its actually gonna be a loop…eventually… thats operated as a point to point. North Loop will have a liftout bridge in it to access the garden plot…the South Loop route will be a branchline and the North Loop an industrial spur. But completion of North Loop is at low priority right now…I need a leadtrack at Tangent to be able to switch the Universal Industries spur, and use the passing siding. Some rehabbing the track at Tangent will be necessarysince it spent two years in less than careful storage…Then the Staging yard becomes a priority. Man I really need a rainy day or two to work on some rolling stock!

There is a great layout design, I think in the current issue of MR, that uses the engine terminal as the the destination point at both ends of the loop track plan. You have the ability to run the “roundi-rounds”, if you wish, but normal ops is out and back with the turning point being each end of the engine faciltiy.

Lookin good , isn’t up off the ground easier ?
I thought the car was a stageing area & storage , or a place to sit while you run the trains in the rain ?

The car would make a great tunnel. Just open the back windows and run’em through there…:wink: