I told you there was going to be film at 11. But I didn’t tell you which day!
So…….to make a short story long, last night I swapped out my old Tenergy 4400 MaH battery with a new Airwire 6800 MaH battery. Going forward, I will use these particular batteries in my USAT GP9 and F3 A-B battery conversions. I’ll of course use a different battery in my NW-2. It took me four hours to charge up the new battery. Everything looks good so far - engine runs like a top. I then inquired within about the use of my Tenergy Universal Fast Smart TLP3000 1.5A Charger for Li-Ion battery packs and its compatibility with my particular battery pack. According to the gentleman who’s helping me with my installs and who is not only an installer for the BAGRS club (he’s done a few hundred conversions) and is an Airwire distributor and the guy who sold me the Tenergy charging unit. He says the charger I’m using is just fine. Not just happy with one opinion, I asked Mike at Reindeer Pass, the guy who sold me the new battery. He told me the charger I’m using works fine and he sells quite a few of them along with the Airwire and HJE batteries. Then I solicited the advise of Keith Gutierrez, the owner of CVP/Airwire, and asked him what he thought of my using the Tenergy TLP3000 1.5A charger with his new 6800 MaH Airwire battery. He sells these particular chargers too and he also recommends it and says I’m good to go.
So I’m a happy Mike. I musta had a bad battery to begin with. We’ll see what happens going forward. (http://www.largescalecentral.com/externals/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-laughing.gif)