What my question is on it. If you insert a skeleton (dowel) in the hotdog, making it rigid like a piece of wood, does it still stop like it does on a limp piece of meat ? And Terry’s skull has only a thin coat of skin over his skull
Glad you are okay. Wow! Thanks for sharing that, I’ll be more aware next time I hit the power switch on my saw, you can be sure.
TJ Lee
Bob McCown said:YES that is the one!Dave Marconi said:If its the one I've seen videos of, it stops the blade by essentially sacrificing the saw mechanism by jamming the hell out of it and sacrificing the blade and mechanism.daniel peck said:I have sent you an E-Mail asking you to do an experiment with the Saw Stop, if you don't mind Daniel.
thats why we have a saw stop at the high school.... saves fingers........ you know the table saw that will not cut a hot dog....
I’ve wondered if they would stop when cutting wet wood? I have cut green-treat that ‘oozed’ it was so “fresh”.
I have 3 stopping blocks thats been trip sitting at school…
Don’t make me watch that again!!!
Need any more proof…with the blade guard on top too nothing can really get to the blade…
If I may make one more comment…One of the biggest dangers in using any cutting tool is a dull blade. Knives, saws, drills, grinders, planers…If it’s dull get it sharpened or toss it out.
HEY TERRY!!! Stay safe. Who is going to work on my locomotives?
Thank you Daniel. That answers my question.
Terry Burr said:Odd that it seems that hasn't been mentioned yet. Shop and drafting teacher in high school wore those clip-on ties as a way to meet teacher dress code and still be reasonably safe. Anyway, the takeaway here should be - Moral of the story, leave the hoodies at the door.
... the string from my hoodie ...