For my wood burner I used Sage. The ‘bark’ looks fairly realistic and it split nicely. Any woody weed should be good.
I like your de-evolution too.
For my wood burner I used Sage. The ‘bark’ looks fairly realistic and it split nicely. Any woody weed should be good.
I like your de-evolution too.
I’m just about ready to do the final electronics install and attach the tender. The latest progress here was to get a load of firewood (found a random dead branch, cut it into 1" lengths and split with a chisel), glued that to the tender, put some decals on (kind of wobbly on that due to the total disregard for Stan’s directions as I’m putting the decal on raw wood which doesn’t let me exactly slide the decals around to get them flat and in position) and did a little more weathering/covering with matte clear.
That came out real nice !
OK, I’m calling this done. Thanks for all the suggestions along the way!
Sorry about the quality of this video: first run of the Climax, being put onto the track out of its (Chuck Inlow style) carrier.
Great job Jim, your attention to detail is spot on. Look forward to seeing it in operation this weekend at your BAGRS open house.
Jim, see you on Sunday.
Thanks guys, see you on Sunday! You are welcome to bring by any battery loco (or woody :-)) or any cars with #1 kadee couplers (that don’t require a 20 foot radius) you want to run…
Tank car turned out great Jim !
You do understand that we will want pics and video of this Sundays run! That’s just how things work around here or so I was told by the elders!