Y’know for even someone without a hole in his head, that’s some mighty fine work. Great job!
Where is the vane? Great looking windmill, gives me ideas for the 2 cheapo windmills I got at Hobby Lobby
The vane will be a just some wire and a piece of styrene. It would have been way to delicate to print.
Sometimes i wonder if it actually has helped.
Dan, i give you a tremendous amount of the credit. You have made mastering CAD/Fusion much easier than it would have been without the help. This windmill would not have been easy a month or so ago. But your help with the rivets and the tank roof both came into play. Knowing how to put a pattern on a line, how to manipulate planes, and projecting lines onto new planes all were needed to get it done. All skills you recently showed me how to do.
So while I appreciate the pat on the back I will say the student is only as good as his teacher.
Here is the wheel and motor with the now attached vein. A little pilfering of the Aermotor logo and I printed a decal on my laser printer.
Devon, thanks for the kind words and there is a lot of truth in that statement, but the reverse is just as true. Teachers are only as good as their students. The greatest teacher in the world can’t teach a rock a damn thing So its a collaborative effort.
Windmill looks much better with the vane attached. Can’t wait to see it in its final home atop the water tank.
Turning out super, Devon!
Is it me or is there smoke coming out of that power strip outlet ?
No… wait it’s !! No way… it is!!!
I think you are right, Rooster. Good catch. What gives Devon?
Its fake snow lol. But dang it does look like it’s on fire.
You don’t have enough of the real stuff, you have to use fake snow
Well two feet outside does not mean two feet inside. But we have had a warming trend. Its almost half gone
Very nice , makes me want to use my cheap hobby lobby windmill
That looks really good, Devon. Is this going beside the water tank or on top of it?
beside it. I will was going to put it on a pump house but I like the wood tower too much.
I think you chose well.