Large Scale Central


Rosemary grows pretty quickly, so not so tough! This particular one is on a friend’s layout in San Diego.

I was quite taken by it and did not realize it was Rosemary!


Rosemary: Happy to Zone 8, hardy to Zone 7, and not supposed to survive the winters here in Toronto, (Zone 6), but all the same my brother in law, who lives about an hour northwest of here, winters his over quite easily.

He has it against a south-facing wall of his house, near a basement window. Maybe a combination of heat escaping from that window and warmth off the wall helps the plant survive. In this zone we are normally advised by the garden pros to bring it in for the winter. Darn shame, as it makes great miniature trees…

John, just plant the pot, and then in the fall, before the first freeze, bring the pot (with the tree still in it) in to a safe place. Every two or three years, pull the tree out of the pot, cut back a third of the roots and re-pot.

Steve Featherkile said:
John, just plant the pot, and then in the fall, before the first freeze, bring the pot (with the tree still in it) in to a safe place. Every two or three years, pull the tree out of the pot, cut back a third of the roots and re-pot.
I have 4 or 5 different plants I do that with. They grow like weeds in the window during the winter.

My brother in law had a rosemary bush on his former rr. In the Simi Valley (Ventura County, CA) this thing was an obnoxious weed. I’d see him about twice a year and prune it back away from tracks, buildings, etc. My hands stunk for a week afterward, and no matter how much I cut it back, it was just as big and shaggy the next time I saw it.

The only way to beat it was to move – which he did!

I don’t think in southern California you can do long term damage to a rosemary. Cut away everything you don’t like and then some. It’ll fight back.

Mine die every winter.

Put an empty 5 gallon bucket upside down over it during the winter, or one filled with straw if your winters are really bad)

We had a mild enough winter this year that it the one we have actually grew.

Doug, I planted a single rosemary as a test last fall next to the road so it took the brunt of the snowplows. Still alive, so my nursery buddy stopped by yesterday with a flat of rosemary to plant.

With a flat you can cover the entire railroad.

Yesterday and today, 10 alberta spruce, 8 rosemary and 8 boxwoods, and two other little plants he wants me to try.

One new thing you can do with all that Rosemary:

Really fabulous potato recipe: Oil a flat pan for the oven. Cut yr potatoes into the kind of shape you like best. Spread the spuds around on that pan, turning them to oil all sides. Sprinkle tops with salt, pepper, & a generous amt. of ROSEMARY leaves. Oven at 350 deg F. A little higher is OK - it’s not a precise scence.

Turn spudlings over when half done & the bottoms are are nice-looking. Sprinkle with a little more s&p and Rosemary. Your total time will vary with oven temp (may depend on what else you’re doing in there) from half hour for thinnish spudbits to 40 min or an hour for larger chunks.

Next time you do a roast, try a trayful of these spuds, or do 'em by themselves anytime… Around here they’ve become a family fave.

I just learned that it is illegal now to plant new rosemary in my town. Turns out that the hills covered with it are fire hazards. Oh and hush up you “nanny haters” our houses are so darned close together here that what our neighbors plant IS our business.

Still, I am glad my rosemary is already planted.

Michael Moradzadeh said:
Oh and hush up you "nanny haters" our houses are so darned close together here that what our neighbors plant IS our business.
I understand!

The next roast we do we’ll try your recipe John. We have plenty!

Hey John,

Another good one is sauteed (did I spell that right?) onions and rosemary over grilled steak or burgers.

My gawd, I can’t believe this! We are exchanging recipes. Boy I hope Bob gets back from vacation soon this
place is really going down hill :slight_smile:


Doug Arnold said:
The next roast we do we'll try your recipe John. We have plenty!
When I wrote that I was thinking of you being overrun with the stuff, Doug! ;)

I’m gonna’ try yours, too Rick. Love those slow-sauteed onions! :stuck_out_tongue:
Hey, we’ll just remind Bob that a railroader’s gotta eat too, y’know… at least this isn’t politics, insults, or religion… :rolleyes: Seems to me there’s a thread on cupcakes around here somewhere too… :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

My wife just reminded me that Rosemary attracts spiders. There was a whole heard of them when her Father’s house was cleaned out in French Camp.
We gots em here in New Jersey too, I got a few good spider bites this weekend under the deck, and they itch like mad!

Rick Marty said:
Hey John,

Another good one is sauteed (did I spell that right?) onions and rosemary over grilled steak or burgers.

My gawd, I can’t believe this! We are exchanging recipes. Boy I hope Bob gets back from vacation soon this
place is really going down hill :slight_smile:



Over on the RhB / Swiss Trains Forum we have a sticky thread for Swiss Recipes. Many of the participants have a real love for Swiss chocolate, too. :lol: i.e. a bunch of chocoholics.

PS AND I put in an order for Rosemary with SWMBO - she who also can’t stand Rosemary unless I grind it up and she can’t put her finger on the taste. In normal form she refers to it as pine needles. :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

This is all Doug’s fault.