Fred, I do care how my models look, although I do not count rivets. I agree that the truck mounted couplers look (and are) wrong in so many ways, but…;
When I started in large scale, I had many older Bachmann cars that would have required difficult modifications in order to body mount KaDees to them.
I was advised that since I had a 9.5 foot diameter curve in my railroad, that body mounts would not work on such tight a curve.
I have since come to learn that I could have body mounted KaDees, but by that time I was so invested in truck mounted coupleres that I didn’t want to go through the expense of changing over.
Many of the folks who see my railroad don’t know a covered hopper from a boxcar, so they don’t mind my couplers. And my railroad brings me enjoyment, despite its shortcomings. So Fred, if it bothers you so much, then just don’t look. (