Large Scale Central

Repairing Wall Passenger Shelter [MIK 2016 entry]

I, for one, really appreciate them for what they are. They are my only diesels, and I love them. At one time I had three that I got from Ridge Road’s close out at $50 each. I foolishly sold one to Ralph Berg, who sold it a short time later. If you can find one NIB nowadays they are going for $2-300.

I’ve collected extra parts over the years from folks that bought them for the trucks. M-11 used to be red, but I didn’t repaint it. Did a full body swap! M-10’s black and silver chassis was a replacement for one I broke in two going over a cliff on the indoor.

Father’s day was pretty quiet around here with both my kids out West, so to celebrate, I ran trains all day. It wasn’t planned to be a photo session, so no weeding or clean up was done prior. This is how the RR looks on most days. Steam operations started with a coal train seen here at Wall…

A little later, a triple header was run for passengers. Seen here at Pine Tank…

Running that long train around my wye required a light engine move, breaking it into two sections to traverse the wye, then re-assembling on the main after tuning the light engine yet again…

M-11 was left parked near Ken’s “Radder’s Mill” in case the steam required an assist on the grade. It wasn’t called…

Approaching Wall Station…

At Wall. It wasn’t planned, but that old dwarf Spruce trunk sorta of looks like smoke!

Of course, now that everything is in it’s proper place, leveled and ballasted, the lighting quit. It’s too hot out there this week during most of the day to work on it, but that’s now a priority. It’s always something!

It does indeed look like smoke from your stack!