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Red Tails

Quality of the pilot…

Cris and I saw this movie today. It was enjoyable and the effects were pretty cool, but it suffers from being a George Lucas movie. In other words, a hokey, predictable plot and a lot of really cheesy dialog. Still, it was worth seeing.

Ray Dunakin said:
Cris and I saw this movie today. It was enjoyable and the effects were pretty cool, but it suffers from being a George Lucas movie. In other words, a hokey, predictable plot and a lot of really cheesy dialog. Still, it was worth seeing.
LOL! Well said! It is worth seeing on the big screen.

“Not ‘OUR’ Hollywood? You must mean the other Hollywood.”


Do you mean the one played by Meashack Taylor in the movie Manikin? :wink:

David Meashey

The winner was the person selling the equipment and repair parts.

Mark V said:
Ray Dunakin said:
Cris and I saw this movie today. It was enjoyable and the effects were pretty cool, but it suffers from being a George Lucas movie. In other words, a hokey, predictable plot and a lot of really cheesy dialog. Still, it was worth seeing.
LOL! Well said! It is worth seeing on the big screen.
Hmmm...thats what I also heard, maybe wait for DVD on this one. Still wincing in pain from "Flyboys".

Hi Guys:

I just returned from the movie theatre.

Where did the producers find these actors? The local high school drama club? Absolutley horrible and embarassing acting. The Michael Jackson music videos had better actors.

On a positive note, just ignore the bad acting and enjoy the aircraft. The aircraft were enjoyable to watch. Definitely not a film for which I would buy the DVD to watch over and over.

What is needed is a conventional war movie producer who employs the talents of LUCAS films to create the air battle and ground battle scenes.

General Patton this movie ain’t!

If you are interested in WWII aircraft, definitely go and see the movie for the aircraft.

It amazes me how long it takes a Hollywood pilot to die after having his chest blown through with the German equivalent of 50 cal. machine gun fire. Those Hollywood pilots are real men!

My favourite aviation film of all time is “Those Magnificent Men and Their Flying Machines” . Just a great film conveying the excitement of the initial development of aviation with intelligent comedy theaded throughout the film.

The National Aviation Museum here in Ottawa held a Battle Of Britain aerial ceremony during the summer a couple of years ago. Seeing and hearing the Spitfire and Hawker Hurricane fly by with wings tilted such that spectators could see the full upper wing surface really brought a warm and happy feeling over myself as I reflected on how the Commonwealth stood alone against the NAZI menace. David and Golieth story. There was a British lady who as a child survived the London Blitz. She walked over to the pilots afterwards and said that they had really made her day. She was invited to dinner with the veterans and pilots. Well, the days of the British Empire are now long past but it is nice to view its remnants. The spirit of the ceremony was one of reconcilliation between former enemies. Some German NAZI pilots attended and dined with our Canadian and British pilots after the official ceremony.

Of an interesting note, Star Wars was advertised prior to the start of the film. In 3D ! Come to think of it, the acting in Star Wars was also poor. The effects were mind blowing and a classic was created. Definitely going to see Star Wars in 3D despite the hokey acting.


A lot of it has to do with the poor quality of the writing. As Harrison Ford said to Lucas during filming of Star Wars: “You can write this #@%, but you sure can’t say it!”

AAAAAAAAAA Yes the P-38 better know as the Yamamoto killer, She earned her place in fighter history on that day.

Ray Dunakin said:
A lot of it has to do with the poor quality of the writing. As Harrison Ford said to Lucas during filming of Star Wars: "You can write this #@%, but you sure can't say it!"
Why do you think the Clown Wars..I mean Clone Wars TV show is totally animated, dont need to bother with acting, character development or actual plot when you can have a loud animated battle lasting 22 of the 24 minute long episode?

FYI if your interested theres a film out on DVD called “The People VS George Lucas” in which Lucas (in absencia) is put on mock-trial by former long time fans for betraying their faith in the series with the awful parts 1, 2, and 3, and the incessant never ending revisions and tinkering of the DVDs. Nooooooooo! (if you get the reference LOL ).

Norman Bourgault said:
Hi Guys

My favourite aviation film of all time is “Those Magnificent Men and Their Flying Machines” . Just a great film conveying the excitement of the initial development of aviation with intelligent comedy theaded throughout the film.

Of an interesting note, Star Wars was advertised prior to the start of the film. In 3D ! Come to think of it, the acting in Star Wars was also poor. The effects were mind blowing and a classic was created. Definitely going to see Star Wars in 3D despite the hokey acting.


My favorite aircraft film is still “30 Seconds Over Tokyo”. While I loved Magnificent Men, I still laugh at one flying scene where in the rear projection screen you can clearly see a nuclear power plant, whether that was intentional wink to the audience or an stupid oversight is unclear.

For Star Warts I’ll go see parts 4, 5, and 6, but will skip the others.

Ok went to see it yesterday. Yes the on the ground drama is a bit derivative BUT the flying action is well worth the price of the ticket. Lots of fun in that regards.