A bit of sarcasim, the computer cant be fired so it does no wrong…
On my road, trip optimizer does run the train, the engineer is asked to match ocasionaly. It throttles up down and works dynamics, It does not use air. Most engineers like it though when it works good as its basicaly cruise control. That being said it does not account for Load/Empty status and posistion of cars so it only works as good as the train is built and there usualy built to the very minimum the rule book. It has alot of problems on it own before PTC and has a bad habbit of getting itself in a bind and throwing it back to the engineer at the last seconed and the worst possible time. For example track speed is 50 with temporary 25 ahead. Auto control sets up dynamics late and runs them up to d8 and about 500 ft from the 25 it starts hollering manual control while still doing 28-29.
Craig, its the same on the otherside of the country, Common sense has no place on the RR and sadly thats all you need to be good safe and effcient at the job. But thats the way they want it, if investors really new how there money was being spent…
And as for PTC, well its a work in progress and i dont think it will ever be %100. Theres just too many varibles, when i hired out the people training me used to say you learn something new everyday. You truly do, no one trip or train is ever the same.