Large Scale Central

Picture test


Wow it worked

Amazing, innit?..:wink:

you need bigger logs… :slight_smile:

Looks pretty prototypical to me


About those logs… YEEEE-ESSSSSSIR !!!

Love the sway back with the trucks sticking out from either end.


hope this works

I have done many different techniques when making my mountains. I have done with great sucess concrete,(my favorite), I have used large syrafoam blocks, very good results, use only where you don’t bump with your feet.

My latest addition, I used large limestone rocks. Tractor placement large. 50-350 lbs,

After using the large rocks they just did not look the way I wanted them to look.

So I experimented around with the ole faithful cement and learned a really sucessful technique. I have done several feet with very satisfying results. I am not real good at taking working progress photos.

The first photo shows one section that has been finished and one is still untouched.

Other pictures will show either in process or finished.




Wow - That’s pretty weird. You can drag links off the page into the editor