If I was to send money to anyone, and on occasion I do; I simply purchase a money order at my local Branch of the Bank of Montreal, and send it to the person or organization I am dealing with…or I give Bob some money when I see him.
What can be more simple than that…
At the Bank, I can get a money order in any denomination I need…US, GB, AU, etc. All Canadian Banks offer this service…and it seems that Canad Post still gets the mail through the system without any trouble, as a regular routine.
Using this method, there is no security problem…no-one knows anything about my financial matters, other than that I purchased the M/O at said bank, which may or may not be where my account is. Being a senior citizen and a customer of said, National Bank; the M/O costs me nothing, other than the cost of purchasing foreign funds, which I would have to pay in any case.