Large Scale Central

Paying Dues, how?

Been using paypal forever, I like using it because I do NOT send my CC info to the vendor.

For people I don’t deal with on a regular basis, NOT having them keep a record of my CC info makes me feel more secure.

The USPS takes paypal for example… and if there is an organization you should worry about getting hacked, the government is one of them.


I have never had an issue with PayPal. Course, now that I said that…

I agree with Greg. The fewer entities that have my credit card information, the better.

If I was to send money to anyone, and on occasion I do; I simply purchase a money order at my local Branch of the Bank of Montreal, and send it to the person or organization I am dealing with…or I give Bob some money when I see him.

What can be more simple than that…

At the Bank, I can get a money order in any denomination I need…US, GB, AU, etc. All Canadian Banks offer this service…and it seems that Canad Post still gets the mail through the system without any trouble, as a regular routine.

Using this method, there is no security problem…no-one knows anything about my financial matters, other than that I purchased the M/O at said bank, which may or may not be where my account is. Being a senior citizen and a customer of said, National Bank; the M/O costs me nothing, other than the cost of purchasing foreign funds, which I would have to pay in any case.

The money order indeed secures your safety, at least from someone charging you when you don’t want to.

But in these days, you also need a payment method with some recourse, where you can get your money back if someone welshes on the deal.

The money order has no such recourse. I find my credit cards are excellent at doing this, but you have to call “fraud” and often wind up getting a new card, which wreaks havoc with all my automatic bill pays.

Paypal does indeed protect the customer, and you have recourse for a bad deal. I only send “real money” to people I know and trust.


I make a point of knowing who I am dealing with, and by doing due diligence, I avoid that problem. One main reason I refuse to deal with anyone that will not give me his full name and mailing address…including bothering to correspond with those persons on Chat groups that won’t use their real name.

Good rules all… You guys up north are pretty smart.

Now if only the exchange rate was better?


…oh to have the dollars trading at par…!!..of course you guys should be happy to see your dollars go almost twice as far up here if you visit…!!

Yes, I was dealing with a vendor on DASH, and he wasn’t sending the stuff I had paid for. When I filed a complaint with Pay Pal, the stuff was at my house in days. Including a part that I had ordered a few months prior, and thought that I had received but misplaced.

So sometimes you do need a way to resolve such things. Dealing with reputable folks, is of course the best way to go. The vendor I was dealing with had a very high rating, and only one complaint that I found.

I always enjoyed the “discount” I got in Canada, when I went to pay with greenbacks. Its odd, Canadian stores will accept greenbacks, but most American stores will not accept the Loony.

In Canada we have “National Banks”, which are rather “More Worldly” than American local banks. They are used to working daily in “Other Currencies”…I have no problems cashing a cheque sent to me from the smallest bank in the USofA, but that same bank in the USofA, will take up to 6 months to clear a cheque drawn on a Canadian Bank that is far more dependable than the US bank…but…I guess we are just VERY fortunate that we have such a great banking system here.

Yes Fred, I did visit Vancouver recently and took advantage of the great exchange rate, unfortunately it was a diamond ring for my wife, no trains, can you believe it?


Greg Elmassian said:

Yes Fred, I did visit Vancouver recently and took advantage of the great exchange rate, unfortunately it was a diamond ring for my wife, no trains, can you believe it?


C’mon Greg, that ring payed dividends.

Good advice from all, that’s what I love about this forum !
