Large Scale Central

Other "back in the day" G scale train forums

Fred, do the first words of your post relate to the last words?

(sorry, but i couldn’t resist. you so clearly asked for it…)

Mark Hadler said:

Ric, Steve:

Perhaps one of these is similar to what you are describing. Might help those young whippersnappers among us (not me) understand previous technology. (

Mark, the 5th one down, just after the shiny silver phone is very similar to the one we had. When we got a new phone, one of those new phangled dial ones, Ma Bell tore the old one off the wall, and just tossed it into the junk in the back of the truck. Why do I remember that? Dunno, but I do. Musta been all of 4.

Oh the things that were just thrown away. (

