This is tough…
Rick Marty
Pete Lassen
Mueller Family - great seeing the family enjoy the hobby together.
This is tough…
Rick Marty
Pete Lassen
Mueller Family - great seeing the family enjoy the hobby together.
2.John Passaro’s Caboose Facility
1st…2nd…3rd…4th (think that’s all of them) “The Mueller Clan” …They carry on the true spirit of the Mik Challenge IMO.
Only things that are missing
A…no notations of pulling up the couch cushions looking for spare modeling change
B…no pics on the washer or dryer (or around them if front loading).
Dave Taylor, best use of multiple cans made into something that looks like it could actually exist.
Jim Rowson, best depiction of an illegal enterprise near a railroad.
Eric Schade, best use of a square can and good old Bernie Sanders.
Wow, this has always been difficult, but this year is on another level. The quality of the builds is at an all time high. But vote we must so here goes…
Mueller Clan’s Hale Ipukukui o Haluku’ilio (Lighthouse) - Truly a MIK build in every aspect.
Jim Rowson’s Still - I just love the whole setting Jim created.
John Passaro’s Caboose Repair Facility - John always has an eye for the little details that really bring his build to life.
As in past years, there are several great builds and several winners, but one has to draw the line somewhere.
In my eye, I want to see that the project was made of cans. I think that the spirit and intent of the challenge was to make the can look like something, but still be recognizable as a can or portions of a can. Also, the can should be the focus of the project.
Eric did a beautiful job…, as always, but I just don’t see the can in the end product.
And you had to finish on time.
Sorry Devon…, your build is way cool and would have gotten a vote if finished.
To my way of thinking, Mik would use what was available and modifiy it as necessary using common tools and techniques. For me, this disqualifies any build that used 3D printed parts, and while Dave’s flat car and Dan’s tank certainly show the work and effort, as did others…, sorry guys.
1 - John Passaro
2 - Todd Brody
3 - Jim Rowson
Dave’s hydrothingy on the mamoth car, Todd’s factory and John’s facility are bombastic! overwhelming!
but not “Mik”.
Jim’s still (reminding me of sins in my younger years), Pete’s hippy hut, Rick’s watertank and Dan’s dieseltank i would welcome on my layout anytime.(the dog too)
but coming to the real MIK just MIK builds
the other Todd’s tumble-loo and Lou’s lady with the facerag made me chuckle.
but Eric’s tincars, Mueller clan’s lighthouse, Tim’s refinery and 98’s tankcar are the MIKiest things in my eyes.
in my biased view:
sons and daughters of Mueller for a building with little money and much love. (and aparently fun!)
Mr. 98 for a well executed first entry. (my first homemade cars were not so good)
Tim’s background refinery. cheap, simple, a real “MIK”
Voting gets more and more difficult each year.
Instead of voting 1,2&3 how about we just rank the inividual projects 1 to what ever?
1 - John Passaro
2 - Jim Rowson
3 - Mueller Clan
As so many before me have said, this is a difficult task. Everyone that participated, and even those of us that stood by and watched in awe, are winners! But Dave would never forgive me if I didn’t enter my vote, so here goes…
#1 Todd Haskins - Factory. A beautifully proportioned and well executed build. The use of lamp parts put it over the top!
#2 Rick Marty - Water Tank. Had I participated this year, this is what I would have built, but there is no way I would have ever come close to a tank that looks this good, complete with the pump house detail!
#3Eric Schade - Tin Can. The fact that this was built almost entirely of tin cans just blows my mind. Fantastic work.
If I was allowed a #4 it would be Jim Rowson’s Still. This little scene has all the elements of a quality Mik build and steps it up with amazing finishes and details.
Honorable Mentions: I’d really like to list everyone here, but two that I found hard to eliminate in my top choices are John Passaro’s Caboose Repair Facility and Dave Taylor’s Schnable Car.
Thank you to everyone who participated.
Wow there are so many amazing builds this year. My votes
1st. Todd B’s can can, because I love the creativity and the action. Also I’ve been looking to buy/bash a vintage trailer so happy to see it’s possible!
2nd. Todd Hs factory complex because I cant believe he did all that in a month and because I’ve been wanting to make a building that goes across the tracks so may steal his idea!
3rd Rick’s water tank & pump shack because I love the detail ((and, well, he’s a member of my club but it’s worth a vote anyway).
honorable mention: everyone else!
i hope to be back in the ghallenge next year.
Last minute and I still can’t decide, but if Im going to participate I have to choose so here it is.
1-John’s caboose repair shop
2- Eric’s rail cars
3- Jim’s still dio.
Time to Count all the mail in votes postmarked from
China and the Ukraine!!
John Passaro said:
So are you are inferring that the Russian’s hacked this and the results were stolen or at least suspect??? (
I gather that Putin was trying to vote on the Mik Challenge, but the only thing that got through the firewalls was his promo shot.
Thanks for channeling that, John. Any inkling on how Vlad voted? I’m betting he liked Jim’s still.
Todd Brody said:
So are you are inferring that the Russian’s hacked this and the results were stolen or at least suspect??? (
They can try. But Dave Taylor’s a match for Putin any day of the week!!
Cliff Jennings said:
…I’m betting he liked Jim’s still.
Only if Jim’s makin’ vodka.