Large Scale Central

Odd Grain car Graffitti

Maybe just the way I was raised, but this is just glorified vandalism. Yes it might be great art, but still a crime. I was taught to lead and be a parent by example. Therefore I feel if I were to copy this vandalism on my model railroad I’d have a hell of a time justifying it to my kids. I can hear the conversation now. …

" Nice boxcar Grandpa, what railroad paints their cars that way?"

“Well son, none do it’s just people who paint them that way for something to do”

" Neat, they look cool. can we do that?"

" No son it’s really illegal to do, even though the railroads let them get away with it."

" Oh, OK"

three weeks later


“Is this mister Spraypaint?”

"Yes it is "

“Well come down the station and pick up Mr. It’s OK, my Grandpa said so”

Do you want that type of call?

Think your kid would never?


Art is when you paint on YOUR canvas.

Vandalism is when you paint on SOMEONE ELSE’S canvas.

I agree. Its is defacing property that doesn’t belong to the person doing the defacing. But its part of the railroad scene, even if it is a crime, and just plain wrong to do. So I do want to, eventually, come up with some non offensive artwork (graffiti) to tag a few of my cars with.

Boy I am of a very mixed opinion on this one. Yes it is a crime, yes it is defacing private property, yes it is destructive, and yes some of it is down right talented artwork. But it is also real. When I drive down the road and see rail cars I see graffiti, I also see rust and dirt. So I model rust and dirt because I want authentic models. I want them in all of their realism. To model cars without graffiti is to make them less than accurate.

In HO I decided that I want to model realism not idealism. I think I will follow suite in my modern g scale as well. I respect those that don’t and certainly respect your decision to stand on higher ground. But I have no less respect for those that choose to make authentic models either.

Got chalk?

We can always add the graffiti of our times…

I don’t like the invasion of space that taggers must do. Murals by permission are much better.


Graffiti is vandalism. Yes, it’s common on rail cars, but to me it is disgusting. I feel that putting it on our rail cars glorifies disrespectful, illegal activity.

I dunno if anyone has noticed. But one of my wooden boxcar has some graffiti on it. One of the boards has a heart and initials carved in it.

Just be glad you don’t live in Denver, CO. If your building or property gets graffitied, the City will write you a ticket, and if you don’t remove it quickly enough, they’ll send out a contractor, who will bill you. Same thing if your car gets stolen, the City will tow it, impound it, and charge you the tow and impound fees to get it back. Oh, yeah, and if you call 911, and the police decide it’s not really an emergency, they’ll fine you for calling.

That, along with the almost 10% sales tax, is why I avoid going into Denver like the plague, even though I live in a nearby suburb.


I have a couple that have been tagged!

I’ll have to get some pics of them.

Remember to blame Rooster!


Bob did a funny! (