Listen to Bruce…he got it right!!
Bruce Chandler said:
......................................................................................OKAY, the dog can sleep and snore and fart and have nightmares in your bed, but he’s not to come in and sleep on the couch in the TV room, where you are now sleeping. That’s just not fair. The dog never gets listed on the census questionnaires as “primary resident” even if its true. Remember, in any and all household interactions or disputes – the dog rules!
Cat (sitting on a chair that could be a throne) is talking to the dog about reincarnation: “Well, last time around I was a dog, too. This time I became a god.”
Dogs have Masters.
Cats have servants.
Any more questions?
Steve Featherkile said:
Dogs have Masters.Cats have servants.
Any more questions?
Dogs LET you think they have masters…