OK running down to the wire. Its almost done though. Here is the latest.
So the ball got some white “smoke” paint.
And some decals
Here is the end details with the coupler pockets.
Now I am pretty impressed with myself now that the chain binders are done and tested. They work just ike the real deal. Here is what the first one was made of. The second one I used copper instead of hammered brass, it soldered up much better and was less brittle. The copper is from the electric pickups from a Bachmann 10 wheeler. I also had trouble with the hooks falling out so I used some .015 styrene sheet to make little stops to keep them from sliding through. Most binders have a ball there so it works.
The chain binder is painted and in use. Now this is the cool part. There is nothing else providing tension on that chain. It is a real chain binder doing what real chain binders do. Open it up hook it on and tighten it down.
Here are both the chain binders in action holding the steps onto the car. It is nice and tight. The chain is an old necklace of my daughters with copper wire hooks. I made eye bolts out of brass wire. The links and pins are in place as well.
Well I have a big tool box going on the other side that will hold some stuff. And I am finising up the Ringmasters podium and bay box. Its is very close.